Changelog ========= 1.1.1 (unreleased) ------------------ - Nothing changed yet. 1.1.0 (2018-10-02) ------------------ - fix: Django2.1 ImportExportModelAdmin export (#797) (#819) - setup: add django2.1 to test matrix - JSONWidget for jsonb fields (#803) - Add ExportActionMixin (#809) - Add Import Export Permissioning #608 (#804) - write_to_tmp_storage() for import_action() (#781) - follow relationships on ForeignKeyWidget #798 - Update all URLs to - added test for tsv import - added unicode support for TSV for pytjhon 2 - Added ExportViewMixin (#692) 1.0.1 (2018-05-17) ------------------ - Make deep copy of fileds from class attr to instance attr (#550) - Fix #612: NumberWidget.is_empty() should strip the value if string type (#613) - Fix #713: last day isn't included in results qs (#779) - use Python3 compatible MySql driver in development (#706) - fix: warning U mode is deprecated in python 3 (#776) - refactor: easier overridding widgets and default field (#769) - Updated documentation regardign declaring fields (#735) - custom js for action form also handles grappelli (#719) - Use 'verbose_name' in breadcrumbs to match Django default (#732) - Add Resource.get_diff_class() (#745) - Fix and add polish translation (#747) - Restore raise_errors to before_import (#749) 1.0.0 (2018-02-13) ------------------ - Switch to semver versioning (#687) - Require Django>=1.8 (#685) - upgrade tox configuration (#737) 0.7.0 (2018-01-17) ------------------ - skip_row override example (#702) - Testing against Django 2.0 should not fail (#709) - Refactor transaction handling (#690) - Resolves #703 fields shadowed (#703) - discourage installation as a zipped egg (#548) - Fixed middleware settings in test app for Django 2.x (#696) 0.6.1 (2017-12-04) ------------------ - Refactors and optimizations (#686, #632, #684, #636, #631, #629, #635, #683) - Travis tests for Django 2.0.x (#691) 0.6.0 (2017-11-23) ------------------ - Refactor import_row call by using keyword arguments (#585) - Added {{ block.super }} call in block bodyclass in admin/base_site.html (#582) - Add support for the Django DurationField with DurationWidget (#575) - GitHub bmihelac -> django-import-export Account Update (#574) - Add intersphinx links to documentation (#572) - Add Resource.get_import_fields() (#569) - Fixed readme mistake (#568) - Bugfix/fix m2m widget clean (#515) - Allow injection of context data for template rendered by import_action() and export_action() (#544) - Bugfix/fix exception in generate_log_entries() (#543) - Process import dataset and result in separate methods (#542) - Bugfix/fix error in converting exceptions to strings (#526) - Fix admin integration tests for the new "Import finished..." message, update Czech translations to 100% coverage. (#596) - Make import form type easier to override (#604) - Add saves_null_values attribute to Field to control whether null values are saved on the object (#611) - Add Bulgarian translations (#656) - Add django 1.11 to TravisCI (#621) - Make Signals code example format correctly in documentation (#553) - Add Django as requirement to (#634) - Update import of reverse for django 2.x (#620) - Add Django-version classifiers to’s CLASSIFIERS (#616) - Some fixes for Django 2.0 (#672) - Strip whitespace when looking up ManyToMany fields (#668) - Fix all ResourceWarnings during tests in Python 3.x (#637) - Remove downloads count badge from README since no longer supports it for PyPi (#677) - Add coveralls support and README badge (#678) 0.5.1 (2016-09-29) ------------------ - French locale not in pypi (#524) - Bugfix/fix undefined template variables (#519) 0.5.0 (2016-09-01) ------------------ - Hide default value in diff when importing a new instance (#458) - Append rows to Result object via function call to allow overriding (#462) - Add get_resource_kwargs to allow passing request to resource (#457) - Expose Django user to get_export_data() and export() (#447) - Add before_export and after_export hooks (#449) - fire events post_import, post_export events (#440) - add **kwargs to export_data / create_dataset - Add before_import_row() and after_import_row() (#452) - Add get_export_fields() to Resource to control what fields are exported (#461) - Control user-visible fields (#466) - Fix diff for models using ManyRelatedManager - Handle already cleaned objects (#484) - Add after_import_instance hook (#489) - Use optimized xlsx reader (#482) - Adds resource_class of BookResource (re-adds) in admin docs (#481) - Require POST method for process_import() (#478) - Add SimpleArrayWidget to support use of django.contrib.postgres.fields.ArrayField (#472) - Add new Diff class (#477) - Fix #375: add row to widget.clean(), obj to widget.render() (#479) - Restore transactions for data import (#480) - Refactor the import-export templates (#496) - Update doc links to the stable version, update rtfd to .io (#507) - Fixed typo in the Czech translation (#495) 0.4.5 (2016-04-06) ------------------ - Add FloatWidget, use with model fields models.FloatField (#433) - Fix default values in fields (#431, #364) Field constructor `default` argument is NOT_PROVIDED instead of None Field clean method checks value against `Field.empty_values` [None, ''] 0.4.4 (2016-03-22) ------------------ - FIX: No static/ when installed via pip #427 - Add total # of imports and total # of updates to import success msg 0.4.3 (2016-03-08) ------------------ - fix MediaStorage does not respect the read_mode parameter (#416) - Reset SQL sequences when new objects are imported (#59) - Let Resource rollback if import throws exception (#377) - Fixes error when a single value is stored in m2m relation field (#177) - Add support for django.db.models.TimeField (#381) 0.4.2 (2015-12-18) ------------------ - add xlsx import support 0.4.1 (2015-12-11) ------------------ - fix for fields with a dyanmic default callable (#360) 0.4.0 (2015-12-02) ------------------ - Add Django 1.9 support - Django 1.4 is not supported (#348) 0.3.1 (2015-11-20) ------------------ - FIX: importing csv in python 3 0.3 (2015-11-20) ---------------- - FIX: importing csv UnicodeEncodeError introduced in 0.2.9 (#347) 0.2.9 (2015-11-12) ------------------ - Allow relation following (#344) - Support default values on fields (and models) (#345) - m2m widget: allow trailing comma (#343) - Open csv files as text and not binary (#127) 0.2.8 (2015-07-29) ------------------ - use the IntegerWidget for database-fields of type BigIntegerField (#302) - make datetime timezone aware if USE_TZ is True (#283). - Fix 0 is interpreted as None in number widgets (#274) - add possibility to override tmp storage class (#133, #251) - better error reporting (#259) 0.2.7 (2015-05-04) ------------------ - Django 1.8 compatibility - add attribute inheritance to Resource (#140) - make the filename and user available to import_data (#237) - Add to_encoding functionality (#244) - Call before_import before creating the instance_loader - fixes #193 0.2.6 (2014-10-09) ------------------ - added use of get_diff_headers method into import.html template (#158) - Try to use OrderedDict instead of SortedDict, which is deprecated in Django 1.7 (#157) - fixed #105 unicode import - remove invalid form action "form_url" #154 0.2.5 (2014-10-04) ------------------ - Do not convert numeric types to string (#149) - implement export as an admin action (#124) 0.2.4 (2014-09-18) ------------------ - fix: get_value raised attribute error on model method call - Fixed XLS import on python 3. Optimized loop - Fixed properly skipping row marked as skipped when importing data from the admin interface. - Allow Resource.export to accept iterables as well as querysets - Improve error messages - FIX: Properly handle NullBoleanField (#115) - Backward Incompatible Change previously None values were handled as false 0.2.3 (2014-07-01) ------------------ - Add separator and field keyword arguments to ManyToManyWidget - FIX: No support for dates before 1900 (#93) 0.2.2 (2014-04-18) ------------------ - RowResult now stores exception object rather than it's repr - Admin integration - add EntryLog object for each added/updated/deleted instance 0.2.1 (2014-02-20) ------------------ - FIX import_file_name form field can be use to access the filesystem (#65) 0.2.0 (2014-01-30) ------------------ - Python 3 support 0.1.6 (2014-01-21) ------------------ * Additional hooks for customizing the workflow (#61) 0.1.5 (2013-11-29) ------------------ * Prevent queryset caching when exporting (#44) * Allow unchanged rows to be skipped when importing (#30) * Update tests for Django 1.6 (#57) * Allow different ``ResourceClass`` to be used in ``ImportExportModelAdmin`` (#49) 0.1.4 ----- * Use `field_name` instead of `column_name` for field dehydration, FIX #36 * Handle OneToOneField, FIX #17 - Exception when attempting access something on the related_name. * FIX #23 - export filter not working 0.1.3 ----- * Fix packaging * DB transactions support for importing data 0.1.2 ----- * support for deleting objects during import * bug fixes * Allowing a field to be 'dehydrated' with a custom method * added documentation 0.1.1 ----- * added ExportForm to admin integration for choosing export file format * refactor admin integration to allow better handling of specific formats supported features and better handling of reading text files * include all avialable formats in Admin integration * bugfixes 0.1.0 ----- * Refactor api