from datetime import datetime import os from django.conf import settings from import default_storage from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt from django.views import generic from django.http import HttpResponse from django.shortcuts import render_to_response from django.template import RequestContext from ckeditor import image_processing from ckeditor import utils def get_upload_filename(upload_name, user): # If CKEDITOR_RESTRICT_BY_USER is True upload file to user specific path. if getattr(settings, 'CKEDITOR_RESTRICT_BY_USER', False): user_path = user.username else: user_path = '' # Generate date based path to put uploaded file. date_path ='%Y/%m/%d') # Complete upload path (upload_path + date_path). upload_path = os.path.join( settings.CKEDITOR_UPLOAD_PATH, user_path, date_path) if getattr(settings, "CKEDITOR_UPLOAD_SLUGIFY_FILENAME", True): upload_name = utils.slugify_filename(upload_name) return default_storage.get_available_name(os.path.join(upload_path, upload_name)) class ImageUploadView(generic.View): http_method_names = ['post'] def post(self, request, **kwargs): """ Uploads a file and send back its URL to CKEditor. """ # Get the uploaded file from request. upload = request.FILES['upload'] #Verify that file is a valid image backend = image_processing.get_backend() try: backend.image_verify(upload) except utils.NotAnImageException: return HttpResponse(""" """.format(request.GET['CKEditorFuncNum'])) # Open output file in which to store upload. upload_filename = get_upload_filename(, request.user) saved_path =, upload) if backend.should_create_thumbnail(saved_path): backend.create_thumbnail(saved_path) url = utils.get_media_url(saved_path) # Respond with Javascript sending ckeditor upload url. return HttpResponse(""" """.format(request.GET['CKEditorFuncNum'], url)) upload = csrf_exempt(ImageUploadView.as_view()) def get_image_files(user=None, path=''): """ Recursively walks all dirs under upload dir and generates a list of full paths for each file found. """ # If a user is provided and CKEDITOR_RESTRICT_BY_USER is True, # limit images to user specific path, but not for superusers. STORAGE_DIRECTORIES = 0 STORAGE_FILES = 1 restrict = getattr(settings, 'CKEDITOR_RESTRICT_BY_USER', False) if user and not user.is_superuser and restrict: user_path = user.username else: user_path = '' browse_path = os.path.join(settings.CKEDITOR_UPLOAD_PATH, user_path, path) try: storage_list = default_storage.listdir(browse_path) except NotImplementedError: return except OSError: return for filename in storage_list[STORAGE_FILES]: if os.path.splitext(filename)[0].endswith('_thumb') or os.path.basename(filename).startswith('.'): continue filename = os.path.join(browse_path, filename) yield filename for directory in storage_list[STORAGE_DIRECTORIES]: directory_path = os.path.join(path, directory) for element in get_image_files(user=user, path=directory_path): yield element def get_files_browse_urls(user=None): """ Recursively walks all dirs under upload dir and generates a list of thumbnail and full image URL's for each file found. """ files = [] for filename in get_image_files(user=user): src = utils.get_media_url(filename) if getattr(settings, 'CKEDITOR_IMAGE_BACKEND', None): thumb = utils.get_media_url(utils.get_thumb_filename(filename)) else: thumb = src files.append({ 'thumb': thumb, 'src': src, 'is_image': is_image(src) }) return files def is_image(path): ext = path.split('.')[-1].lower() return ext in ['jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif'] def browse(request): context = RequestContext(request, { 'files': get_files_browse_urls(request.user), }) return render_to_response('browse.html', context)