django-admin-tools ================== .. image:: :target: .. image:: .. image:: .. image:: .. image:: django-admin-tools is a collection of extensions/tools for the default django administration interface, it includes: * a full featured and customizable dashboard; * a customizable menu bar; * tools to make admin theming easier. The code is hosted on `Github `_. Django-admin-tools is generously documented, you can `browse the documentation online `_. a good start is to read `the quickstart guide `_. The project was created by `David Jean Louis `_ and was previously hosted on `Bitbucket `_. Please join the `mailing list `_ if you want to discuss of the future of django-admin-tools. ************ Requirements ************ django-admin-tools requires Python 2.7 or Python 3.3 or newer and Django 1.7 or newer. For older python and django versions please use the 0.5.2 version of django-admin-tools which is available on Pypi. ************ Installation ************ To install django-admin-tools, run the following command inside this directory: python install If you have the Python **easy_install** utility available, you can also type the following to download and install in one step:: easy_install django-admin-tools Or if you're using **pip**:: pip install django-admin-tools Or if you'd prefer you can simply place the included "admin_tools" directory somewhere on your python path, or symlink to it from somewhere on your Python path; this is useful if you're working from a Mercurial checkout. An `installation guide `_ is available in the documentation. ************* Documentation ************* `Extensive documentation `_ is available, it was made with the excellent `Sphinx program `_ ************ Translations ************ There is a `a transifex project `_ for django-admin-tools. ************ Screenshots ************ The django admin login screen: .. image:: :alt: The django admin login screen The admin index dashboard: .. image:: :alt: The admin index dashboard The admin menu: .. image:: :alt: The admin menu Dashboard modules can be dragged, collapsed, closed etc.: .. image:: :alt: Dashboard modules can be dragged, collapsed, closed etc. The app index dashboard: .. image:: :alt: The app index dashboard