# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # combo-plugin-gnm - Combo GNM plugin # Copyright (C) 2017 Entr'ouvert # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . from collections import OrderedDict import datetime import json import operator import random import re from pyproj import Geod from requests import RequestException from django import template from django.conf import settings from django.core.serializers.json import DjangoJSONEncoder from django.core import signing from django.utils import six from django.utils.dateparse import parse_date, parse_datetime from django.utils.http import quote from django.utils.html import format_html from django.utils.text import slugify from django.utils.timezone import now, is_naive, make_aware from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe from combo.apps.dashboard.models import DashboardCell, Tile from combo.apps.maps.models import Map, MapLayer from combo.data.models import Page, CellBase, ConfigJsonCell from combo.public.views import render_cell from combo.utils import requests register = template.Library() FR_WEEKDAYS = ['lundi', 'mardi', 'mercredi', 'jeudi', 'vendredi', 'samedi', 'dimanche'] EN_ABBREV_WEEKDAYS = OrderedDict( [ ('mo', 'Monday'), ('tu', 'Tuesday'), ('we', 'Wednesday'), ('th', 'Thursday'), ('fr', 'Friday'), ('sa', 'Saturday'), ('su', 'Sunday'), ] ) EN_ABBREV_WEEKDAYS_LIST = list(EN_ABBREV_WEEKDAYS.keys()) EN_FULL_WEEKDAYS_LIST = list(EN_ABBREV_WEEKDAYS.values()) FR_ABBREV_WEEKDAYS_LIST = OrderedDict(zip(EN_ABBREV_WEEKDAYS_LIST, FR_WEEKDAYS)) class TimeSlot(object): def __init__(self, start, end): if is_naive(start): start = make_aware(start) if is_naive(end): end = make_aware(end) self.start = start self.end = end def __repr__(self): return '' % (self.start.strftime('%c'), self.end.strftime('%c')) def openinghours_to_datetime(day_number, hour, minute, base_datetime): """ return the next date and time after base_datetime """ day_number = day_number % 7 # ease operations using this parameter # get next weekday days = (7 + day_number - base_datetime.weekday()) % 7 datetime_obj = base_datetime + datetime.timedelta(days=days) if is_naive(datetime_obj): datetime_obj = make_aware(datetime_obj) # set time try: time = datetime.time(hour=hour, minute=minute) except ValueError: return None datetime_obj = datetime.datetime.combine(datetime_obj, time) return datetime_obj def get_slot(day_number, time_table, base_datetime): start_hour = int(time_table['start_hour']) start_minute = int(time_table['start_minute']) end_hour = int(time_table['end_hour']) end_minute = int(time_table['end_minute']) if end_hour == 24 and end_minute == 0: end_hour = 0 start = openinghours_to_datetime(day_number, start_hour, start_minute, base_datetime) # hours may belongs on next day end_day_number = day_number if ( end_hour < start_hour or end_hour == start_hour and end_minute < start_minute or end_hour == start_hour == 0 and end_minute == start_minute == 0 ): # 24h/24 end_day_number += 1 end = openinghours_to_datetime(end_day_number, end_hour, end_minute, base_datetime) if end < start: # end time may be find this week whereas start time is picked on next week, # this occure if we are now past 24:00, on next day. # Compute start time from yesterday yesterday = base_datetime - datetime.timedelta(days=1) start = openinghours_to_datetime(day_number, start_hour, start_minute, yesterday) return TimeSlot(start, end) def get_time_table_from_specification(specification): """Parse an openinghoursspecification data block""" if not isinstance(specification['dayOfWeek'], str): raise ValueError day_of_week = specification.get('dayOfWeek') day_number = EN_FULL_WEEKDAYS_LIST.index(day_of_week.split('/')[-1]) start_hour, start_minute = specification['opens'].split(':') end_hour, end_minute = specification['closes'].split(':') time_table = { 'start_hour': start_hour, 'start_minute': start_minute, 'end_hour': end_hour, 'end_minute': end_minute, } return (day_number, time_table) def get_period_from_data(time_table): """Return am or pm and all_day_hours from opening_time and closing_time""" start_hour = int(time_table['start_hour']) start_minute = int(time_table['start_minute']) end_hour = int(time_table['end_hour']) end_minute = int(time_table['end_minute']) if end_hour == 24 and end_minute == 0: end_hour = 0 closing_time = datetime.time(hour=end_hour, minute=end_minute) opening_time = datetime.time(hour=start_hour, minute=start_minute) all_day_hours = False if opening_time < closing_time and closing_time.hour <= 12: # closing_time may last on the night period = 'am' elif opening_time.hour <= 12: period = 'am' all_day_hours = True else: period = 'pm' return (period, all_day_hours) def get_slots_from_mdr_format(data, base_datetime): """Process data from Maison du rhone geojson data from data.grandlyon.fr (/ws/grandlyon/ter_territoire.maison_du_rhone/all.json) add to slots all the next opening hours in chronological order & beginning from today() """ if 'properties' in data: data = data['properties'] slots = [] known_format = False mdr_weekdays_format = ['%s_am' % day for day in FR_WEEKDAYS] + ['%s_pm' % day for day in FR_WEEKDAYS] if any([re.search('|'.join(mdr_weekdays_format), data_key) is not None for data_key in data.keys()]): known_format = True today = base_datetime for i in range(7): for period in ('am', 'pm'): hours = data.get('%s_%s' % (FR_WEEKDAYS[today.weekday()], period)) if not hours: continue try: parts = re.match(r'(\d?\d)h(\d\d)-(\d?\d)h(\d\d)', hours).groups() except AttributeError: continue time_table = { 'start_hour': int(parts[0]), 'start_minute': int(parts[1]), 'end_hour': int(parts[2]), 'end_minute': int(parts[3]), } # add to slots the opening hours in chronological order beginning from today timeslot = get_slot(today.weekday(), time_table, base_datetime) slots.append(timeslot) today += datetime.timedelta(days=1) return (slots, known_format) def parse_opening_hours_data(mairie_data): """Parse every known openinghours data formats""" for openinghours in mairie_data.get('openinghours', []): # format is comma-separated days and/or intervals, or only one day try: groups = re.match( r'(\w\w(?:(?:,|\-)?\w\w)*) (\d\d?):(\d\d?)-(\d\d?):(\d\d?)', openinghours ).groups() except AttributeError: # invalid input data continue for day in groups[0].split(','): if '-' in day: # interval parts = re.match(r'(\w\w)-(\w\w)', day).groups() + groups[1:] time_table = dict( zip( ('start_day', 'end_day', 'start_hour', 'start_minute', 'end_hour', 'end_minute'), parts, ) ) days_list = EN_ABBREV_WEEKDAYS_LIST[ EN_ABBREV_WEEKDAYS_LIST.index( time_table['start_day'].lower() ) : EN_ABBREV_WEEKDAYS_LIST.index(time_table['end_day'].lower()) + 1 ] else: # one day time_table = dict( zip( ('start_day', 'start_hour', 'start_minute', 'end_hour', 'end_minute'), (day,) + groups[1:], ) ) days_list = [ EN_ABBREV_WEEKDAYS_LIST[EN_ABBREV_WEEKDAYS_LIST.index(time_table['start_day'].lower())] ] yield (days_list, time_table) def parse_mairie_formats(data, base_datetime, oh_add, ohs_add, ohs_del): if 'properties' in data: data = data['properties'] some_opening_periods_defined = False known_format = False previous_week = base_datetime - datetime.timedelta(7) next_week = base_datetime + datetime.timedelta(7) for specification in data.get('openinghoursspecification', []): known_format = True valid_from, valid_through = previous_week, next_week if specification.get('validFrom'): valid_from = parse_valid_from(specification) if specification.get('validThrough'): valid_through = parse_valid_through(specification) if not valid_from or not valid_through: continue # parse specification only for the current period relative to utcnow() if not valid_from <= base_datetime < valid_through: continue if specification.get('opens') and specification.get('closes'): # case when opening periods are defined some_opening_periods_defined = True try: day_number, time_table = get_time_table_from_specification(specification) except ValueError: continue ohs_add(day_number, time_table) else: # case when exclusions are defined ohs_del(valid_from, valid_through) if not some_opening_periods_defined: # some mairie may only have opening periods defined into openinghours (e.g. Bron) for days_list, time_table in parse_opening_hours_data(data): known_format = True oh_add(days_list, time_table) return known_format def parse_valid_from(spec): valid_from = parse_datetime(spec.get('validFrom')) or parse_date(spec.get('validFrom')) if not isinstance(valid_from, datetime.datetime): valid_from = make_aware(datetime.datetime(valid_from.year, valid_from.month, valid_from.day)) return valid_from def parse_valid_through(spec): valid_through = parse_datetime(spec.get('validThrough')) or parse_date(spec.get('validThrough')) if not isinstance(valid_through, datetime.datetime): valid_through = make_aware( datetime.datetime(valid_through.year, valid_through.month, valid_through.day, 23, 59) ) return valid_through @register.simple_tag def get_mairie_opening_hours(mairie_data): """Process Mairie Geojson to extract data of each day's opening hours""" if not mairie_data: return '' base_datetime = now() opening_hours_dict = OrderedDict( zip(EN_ABBREV_WEEKDAYS_LIST, [{'am': None, 'pm': None} for i in range(7)]) ) def update_opening_hours(weekday, time_table): period, all_day_hours = get_period_from_data(time_table) if all_day_hours and period == 'am': opening_hours_dict[weekday]['pm'] = '' # empty string to avoid displaying fermé opening_hours_dict[weekday][period] = "%sh%s-%sh%s" % ( time_table['start_hour'], time_table['start_minute'], time_table['end_hour'], time_table['end_minute'], ) def oh_add(days_list, time_table): for weekday in days_list: update_opening_hours(weekday, time_table) def ohs_add(day_number, time_table): weekday = EN_ABBREV_WEEKDAYS_LIST[day_number] update_opening_hours(weekday, time_table) def ohs_del(valid_from, valid_through): pass known_format = parse_mairie_formats(mairie_data, base_datetime, oh_add, ohs_add, ohs_del) if not ( any([x['am'] for x in opening_hours_dict.values()]) or any([x['pm'] for x in opening_hours_dict.values()]) ): # always closed, returns None if the format is unknown so it can be # displayed as "unavailable". if not known_format: return None # otherwise returns an array of closed days return [(weekday, {'am': None, 'pm': ''}) for weekday in FR_WEEKDAYS] return [ (FR_ABBREV_WEEKDAYS_LIST[weekday], hours) for weekday, hours in opening_hours_dict.items() if not (weekday in ['sa', 'su'] and not hours['am'] and not hours['pm']) ] @register.filter def as_opening_hours_badge(data): if not data: return '' base_datetime = now() slots = [] exclusion_slots = [] today = base_datetime.date() (slots, known_format) = get_slots_from_mdr_format(data, base_datetime) def oh_add(days_list, time_table): for weekday in days_list: day_number = EN_ABBREV_WEEKDAYS_LIST.index(weekday) timeslot = get_slot(day_number, time_table, base_datetime) # add to slots the opening hours in chronological order beginning from today slots.append(timeslot) def ohs_add(day_number, time_table): timeslot = get_slot(day_number, time_table, base_datetime) slots.append(timeslot) def ohs_del(valid_from, valid_through): exclusion_slots.append(TimeSlot(valid_from, valid_through)) if not known_format: # Process mairie json and return slots the opening hours # in chronological order beginning today known_format = parse_mairie_formats(data, base_datetime, oh_add, ohs_add, ohs_del) # order slots and cycle the list beginning with 'base_datetime' slots.sort(key=operator.attrgetter('start')) if not known_format: return '' # remove past slots and exclude special timeslots for i, slot in enumerate(slots): if base_datetime > slot.end: slots[i] = None else: for exclusion in exclusion_slots: if slot.start >= exclusion.start and slot.end <= exclusion.end: slots[i] = None def format_time(hour, minute): time = "%sh%02d" % (hour, minute) if time == '0h00': time = 'minuit' return time # parse slots to return the right html slots = [x for x in slots if x] if not slots: klass = 'closed' label = u'Fermé' elif base_datetime < slots[0].start: klass = 'closed' verb = u'Réouvre' if slots[0].start.weekday() == today.weekday(): day_label = '' if slots[0].start.hour < 12: verb = 'Ouvre' elif slots[0].start.weekday() == (today.weekday() + 1) % 7: day_label = u'demain' else: day_label = FR_WEEKDAYS[slots[0].start.weekday()] if slots[0].start.strftime("%H:%M") == slots[0].end.strftime("%H:%M") == '00:00': label = u'%s %s 24h/24' % (verb, day_label) else: time = format_time(slots[0].start.hour, slots[0].start.minute) label = u'%s %s à %s' % (verb, day_label, time) elif base_datetime < slots[0].end: if (slots[0].end - base_datetime).seconds < 3600: klass = 'soon-to-be-closed' else: klass = 'open' if slots[0].start.strftime("%H:%M") == slots[0].end.strftime("%H:%M") == '00:00': label = u"Ouvert 24h/24" else: time = format_time(slots[0].end.hour, slots[0].end.minute) label = u"Ouvert jusqu'à %s" % time return mark_safe(u'
' % (klass, label)) @register.filter def onlymoov_duration(string): # take the hours and minutes components of duration strings provided by # onlymoov, "PT1H16M3S", "PT1M35S" try: groups = re.match(r'PT(\d+H)?(\d+M)', string).groups() except AttributeError: # didn't match return '?' hours = '' if groups[0]: nb_hours = int(groups[0][:-1]) if nb_hours > 1: hours = '%s heures' % nb_hours else: hours = '%s heure' % nb_hours nb_minutes = int(groups[1][:-1]) if nb_minutes == 0: minutes = '' else: minutes = '%d min' % nb_minutes return '%s %s' % (hours, minutes) @register.filter def place_page(cell): try: fixed_place_cell = ConfigJsonCell.objects.get( key=cell.key, parameters=cell.parameters, page__template_name='place' ) except ConfigJsonCell.DoesNotExist: return None return fixed_place_cell.page @register.filter def place_page_url(cell): page = place_page(cell) if page is None: return '' return page.get_online_url() @register.filter def is_place_page(page): if not page: return False return page.template_name == 'place' @register.simple_tag def get_tile_picture_size(page): if is_place_page(page): return '1300' return '300x300' @register.filter def as_producer(slug, default_slug=None): COLLECTIVITY_UNACCENT_LABELS = {x: slugify(y) for x, y in settings.COLLECTIVITY_LABELS.items()} if isinstance(slug, dict): # actually a form if slug.get('form_digest'): parenthesis = re.match(r'.*\((.*)\)', slug['form_digest']) if parenthesis: city_name = parenthesis.group(1) if city_name in settings.COLLECTIVITY_LABELS.values(): collectivity = [x for x in settings.COLLECTIVITY_LABELS.items() if x[1] == city_name][0] return {'slug': collectivity[0], 'label': collectivity[1]} city_slug = slugify(city_name) if city_slug in COLLECTIVITY_UNACCENT_LABELS.values(): collectivity = [x for x in COLLECTIVITY_UNACCENT_LABELS.items() if x[1] == city_slug][0] return {'slug': collectivity[0], 'label': collectivity[1]} for keyword in slug.get('keywords') or []: if keyword.startswith('producer-'): slug = keyword.split('-', 1)[1] break else: slug = slug.get('site_slug') producer = None if ':' in slug: # formdef_reference slug = slug.split(':')[0] if slug.startswith('_'): producer = slug.split('_')[1].replace('hobo-', '') else: producer = slug if slug == 'eservices': # handle collectivity sites, they are individually named # "eservices" but have the collectivity slug as a template # variable. producer = settings.TEMPLATE_VARS.get('gnm_commune', 'grandlyon') if producer and settings.TEMPLATE_VARS.get('gnm_commune_name'): return {'slug': producer, 'label': settings.TEMPLATE_VARS.get('gnm_commune_name')} try: producer = re.search(r'(^|\W)producer-([\w-]*)(\W|$)', producer).group(2).strip() except AttributeError: pass if producer.startswith('Lyon '): # assume sth like "Lyon 7eme" producer = 'Lyon' producer_slug = slugify(producer) if settings.KNOWN_SERVICES['hobo'].get('hobo-%s' % producer): return { 'slug': producer, 'label': settings.KNOWN_SERVICES['hobo'].get('hobo-%s' % producer, {'title': ''})['title'], } elif settings.KNOWN_SERVICES['hobo'].get('_interco_hobo-%s' % producer): return { 'slug': producer, 'label': settings.KNOWN_SERVICES['hobo'].get('_interco_hobo-%s' % producer, {'title': ''})[ 'title' ], } elif producer in settings.PRODUCER_LABELS: return {'slug': producer, 'label': settings.PRODUCER_LABELS[producer]} elif producer in settings.COLLECTIVITY_LABELS.values(): collectivity = [x for x in settings.COLLECTIVITY_LABELS.items() if x[1] == producer][0] return {'slug': collectivity[0], 'label': collectivity[1]} elif producer_slug in COLLECTIVITY_UNACCENT_LABELS.values(): collectivity = [x for x in COLLECTIVITY_UNACCENT_LABELS.items() if x[1] == producer_slug][0] return {'slug': collectivity[0], 'label': collectivity[1]} elif default_slug: return as_producer(default_slug) else: return {'slug': 'toodego', 'label': 'Toodego'} @register.filter def as_commune(user_data): if not user_data: return None if isinstance(user_data, six.string_types): # user_data is expected to be (page) slug collectivities = get_gnm_collectivities() for collectivity in collectivities: if slugify(collectivity['label']) in user_data: collectivity['gnm'] = True return collectivity return None city = user_data.get('city') or user_data.get('address_city') if city: # first look for known portals collectivities = get_gnm_collectivities() for collectivity in collectivities: if collectivity.get('label') == city: return { 'label': city, 'slug': slugify(city), 'url': collectivity['url'], 'gnm': True, } # if not found look in mairie pages pages = Page.objects.filter(parent__slug='mairie', slug__icontains=slugify(city)).exclude( slug__icontains='annexe' ) if pages.exists(): return { 'label': city, 'slug': slugify(city), 'url': pages[0].get_online_url(), } return None @register.simple_tag def get_suggestions(request, user_data, places_data): # fill initial dashboard based on this layout: ## au quotidien # mairie tile # closest velov/tcl/swimming pool/etc. tiles ## environnement # air quality # pollen if not getattr(request, 'user', None) or not request.user.is_authenticated(): # no user return ['no user'] dashboard = DashboardCell.objects.all().filter(page__snapshot__isnull=True)[0] if Tile.objects.filter(dashboard=dashboard, user=request.user).exists(): # dashboard already filled return ['already filled'] mairie_tile = None service_tiles = [] airquality_tile = { 'key': 'airquality', 'parameters': { 'lon': settings.COMBO_MAP_DEFAULT_POSITION['lng'], 'lat': settings.COMBO_MAP_DEFAULT_POSITION['lat'], }, } pollen_tile = {'key': 'pollen'} city = user_data.get('city') or user_data.get('address_city') zipcode = user_data.get('zipcode') or user_data.get('address_zipcode') if city: # get commune tile for the user city maplayer = MapLayer.objects.get(slug='mairie') try: data_result = requests.get( maplayer.geojson_url, timeout=2, without_user=True, cache_duration=300 ).json() except RequestException: pass else: city_slug = slugify(city) if city_slug == 'lyon' and zipcode: try: city_slug = 'lyon-%s' % (int(zipcode) - 69000) except ValueError: # fallback to hotel de ville city_slug = 'ville-de-lyon' if data_result.get('features'): for feature in data_result['features']: if 'Annexe' in feature['properties']['nom']: continue if city_slug in slugify(feature['properties']['nom']): mairie_tile = {'key': maplayer.slug, 'properties': feature['properties']} break address = None if places_data and places_data.get('data'): place_data = places_data['data'][0] address = u'%(adresse)s, %(ville)s, France' % place_data['content'] elif user_data.get('address_street'): if not user_data.get('address_number'): user_data['address_number'] = '' address = u'%(address_number)s %(address_street)s, %(address_city)s, France' % user_data coords = None if address: nominatim_url = settings.COMBO_GEOCODING_SERVICE url = '%s/search?q=%s&accept-language=fr&format=json' % ( nominatim_url, quote(address.encode('utf-8')), ) search_result = None try: search_result = requests.get(url, timeout=2, without_user=True, cache_duration=300).json() except RequestException: pass if search_result: coords = {'lon': search_result[0]['lon'], 'lat': search_result[0]['lat']} if coords: airquality_tile = {'key': 'airquality', 'parameters': coords} lat1, lat2 = float(coords['lat']) - 0.008, float(coords['lat']) + 0.008 lon1, lon2 = float(coords['lon']) - 0.006, float(coords['lon']) + 0.006 geod = Geod(ellps='WGS84') for maplayer in MapLayer.objects.filter(slug__in=('velov', 'piscine', 'tcl', 'bibliotheque', 'mdr')): url = maplayer.geojson_url + '&BBOX=%s,%s,%s,%s' % (lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2) try: data_result = requests.get(url, timeout=2, without_user=True, cache_duration=300).json() except RequestException: continue features = data_result.get('features') if not features: continue for feature in features: feature['distance'] = geod.inv( float(coords['lon']), float(coords['lat']), float(feature['geometry']['coordinates'][0]), float(feature['geometry']['coordinates'][1]), )[2] features.sort(key=lambda x: x['distance']) # take closest feature if features: service_tiles.append({'key': maplayer.slug, 'properties': features[0]['properties']}) tiles = [] if mairie_tile or service_tiles: if mairie_tile: tiles.append(mairie_tile) if service_tiles: random.shuffle(service_tiles) tiles.extend(service_tiles) if airquality_tile or pollen_tile: tiles.append({'key': 'group-title', 'parameters': {'text': 'Environnement'}}) if airquality_tile: tiles.append(airquality_tile) if pollen_tile: tiles.append(pollen_tile) for i, tile_data in enumerate(tiles): if 'properties' in tile_data: cell_form_keys = [ x['varname'] for x in settings.JSON_CELL_TYPES[tile_data['key']].get('form') or {} ] tile_data['parameters'] = {} for key in cell_form_keys: tile_data['parameters'][key] = tile_data['properties'].get(key) cell = ConfigJsonCell( key=tile_data['key'], parameters=tile_data.get('parameters', {}), order=0, page_id=dashboard.page_id, placeholder='_suggested_tile', ) cell.save() tile = Tile(dashboard=dashboard, cell=cell, user=request.user, order=i + 1) tile.save() return tiles @register.simple_tag def get_gnm_portal_url(): if '_interco_portal' in settings.KNOWN_SERVICES['combo']: return settings.KNOWN_SERVICES['combo']['_interco_portal'].get('url') return settings.KNOWN_SERVICES['combo']['portal'].get('url') @register.simple_tag def get_gnm_collectivities(): collectivities = [] for key in settings.KNOWN_SERVICES['combo']: if not key.endswith('_portal'): continue matching_hobo = settings.KNOWN_SERVICES['hobo'].get(key.split('_portal')[0][1:]) if not matching_hobo: continue if matching_hobo['title'] in ('SAU', 'Villeurbanne'): # blacklist continue service = settings.KNOWN_SERVICES['combo'][key] collectivities.append({'url': service.get('url'), 'label': matching_hobo['title']}) collectivities.sort(key=lambda x: x['label']) return collectivities @register.inclusion_tag('combo/gnm/place_map.html') def gnm_place_map(lat, lng): map_cell = Map() map_cell.initial_zoom = '17' map_cell.min_zoom = '17' map_cell.max_zoom = '17' context = map_cell.get_cell_extra_context({}) context['init_lat'] = lat context['init_lng'] = lng return context @register.inclusion_tag('combo/gnm/airquality_map.html', takes_context=True) def gnm_airquality_map(context): map_cell = Map() map_cell.initial_state = 'device-location' map_cell.initial_zoom = '15' map_cell.min_zoom = '10' map_cell.max_zoom = '19' context.push(map_cell.get_cell_extra_context({})) return context _json_script_escapes = { ord('>'): '\\u003E', ord('<'): '\\u003C', ord('&'): '\\u0026', } @register.filter(is_safe=True) def json_script(value, element_id): json_str = json.dumps(value, cls=DjangoJSONEncoder) json_str = json_str.replace('>', '\\u003E').replace('<', '\\u003C').replace('&', '\\u0026') return format_html('', element_id, mark_safe(json_str)) @register.simple_tag def get_goto_cell(page, request): try: cell = ConfigJsonCell.objects.get(id=request.GET['to']) except (ConfigJsonCell.DoesNotExist, ValueError, KeyError): return None if cell.page.template_name != 'place': return cell # create an alternate version of cell cell.id = None cell.placeholder = '_auto_tile' cell.page = page cell.save() return cell @register.simple_tag def get_collectivity_slugs(): return list(settings.COLLECTIVITY_LABELS.keys()) @register.filter def indice_values(indices): for key in ('indice_j-1', 'indice_j', 'indice_j+1'): if indices.get(key): yield indices.get(key) @register.filter def airquality_hack(cell, request): if cell.key == 'airquality' and not cell.parameters: # Cell on airquality dynamic page, it has empty cell.parameters as it # gets those from the query string. In order to get un/favorite link # to work we need to duplicate the cell into a concrete object with a # copy of query parameters within. if request.GET.get('ctx'): ctx = signing.loads(request.GET['ctx']) lon, lat = ctx['q_lon'], ctx['q_lat'] else: lon, lat = request.path.split('/')[-2].split(',') cell.parameters = {'lon': lon, 'lat': lat} cell.placeholder = '_auto_tile' cell.id = None cell.save() return cell @register.simple_tag def get_known_tile_types(): return list(settings.JSON_CELL_TYPES.keys())