from zope.interface import Interface from five import grok from zope.schema.interfaces import IVocabularyFactory from zope.schema.vocabulary import SimpleVocabulary from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName import utils class NoThesaurusFound(Exception): """No thesaurus found""" class IMainThesaurus(Interface): """ Marker interface for main thesaurus container """ class SimpleThesaurusSource(object): """This basic vocabulary is here mainly for demo purpose. It is not meant to be used when a Plone site contains more than one thesaurus. """ grok.implements(IVocabularyFactory) def __call__(self, context): # build vocab from first thesaurus returned by catalog thesaurus = utils.get_thesaurus_object(context) if thesaurus is None: return SimpleVocabulary([]) thesaurus_path = '/'.join(thesaurus.getPhysicalPath()) catalog = getToolByName(context, 'portal_catalog') results = catalog(portal_type='dmskeyword', path={'query': thesaurus_path,'depth': 1}) keywords = [x.getObject() for x in results] keyword_terms = [SimpleVocabulary.createTerm(,, x.title) for x in keywords] return SimpleVocabulary(keyword_terms) def __iter__(self): # hack to let schema editor handle the field yield u'DO NOT TOUCH' grok.global_utility(SimpleThesaurusSource, name=u'dms.thesaurus.simple') class KeywordFromSameThesaurusSource(object): """This vocabulary is used for keywords that reference one another inside the same thesaurus. It should not be used for referencing keywords from other content types. """ grok.implements(IVocabularyFactory) def __call__(self, context): if context.portal_type == 'dmsthesaurus': thesaurus_path = '/'.join(context.getPhysicalPath()) else: thesaurus = utils.get_thesaurus_object(context) if thesaurus is None: return SimpleVocabulary([]) thesaurus_path = '/'.join(thesaurus.getPhysicalPath()) catalog = getToolByName(context, 'portal_catalog') results = catalog(portal_type='dmskeyword', path={'query': thesaurus_path,'depth': 1}) keywords = [x.getObject() for x in results] keyword_terms = [SimpleVocabulary.createTerm(,, x.title) for x in keywords] return SimpleVocabulary(keyword_terms) def __iter__(self): # hack to let schema editor handle the field yield u'DO NOT TOUCH' grok.global_utility(KeywordFromSameThesaurusSource, name=u'dms.thesaurus.internalrefs')