import logging import hashlib from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET import time import threading import pprint import feedparser import requests from requests.exceptions import RequestException, HTTPError, Timeout from django.core.cache import cache from django.conf import settings from . import signature, template log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Renderer(template.TemplateRenderer): '''Data source renderer the expected configuration looks like this: { 'name': u'Datas from xyz', 'class': 'cmsplugin_blurp.renderers.data_source.Renderer', 'sources': [ { 'slug': 'slug', # mandatory 'url': 'https://...', # mandatory 'parser_type': 'raw', # optional, possible values are json, xml, css, csv or raw, default value is raw 'content_type': 'application/octet-stream', # optional, default value is compute from the parser_type 'auth_mech': None, # optional, possible values are hmac-sha1, hmac-sha256,oauth2', default is None 'signature_key': None, # mandatory if auth_mech is not None 'verify_certificate': False, # optional, default is False 'allow_redirects': True, # optional default is True 'timeout': 10, # optional default is 1, it cannot be less than 1 'refresh': 3600, # optional, default is taken from the renderer level 'limit': 0, # optional, default is taken from the renderer level }, ] 'template_name': 'data_from_xyz.html' # default template if the template file cannot be found 'template': '{{ slug|pprint }}' # time between refresh of the case # use 0 for no cache # cache is also update if updatecache key is in the query string # you can also override it in each source 'refresh': 3600, # optional default is 3600 seconds # limit to the number of elements to return, # not limited if it is 0 # you can also override it in each source 'limit': 0, # optional default is 0 } ''' @classmethod def check_config(cls, config): if not 'sources' in config \ or not isinstance(config['sources'], (tuple, list)) \ or len(config['sources']) == 0: yield 'sources must be a list or a tuple containing at least one element' for source in config['sources']: if not 'slug' in source: yield 'each source must have a slug key' if not 'url' in source: yield 'each source must have an url key' if 'parser_type' in source \ and source['parser_type'] not in ('raw', 'csv', 'json', 'xml', 'rss'): yield 'unknown parser_type {0!r}'.format(source['parser_type']) if 'auth_mech' in source: if source['auth_mech'] not in ('hmac-sha1', 'hmac-sha256', 'oauth2'): yield 'unknown auth_mech {0!r}'.format(source['auth_mech']) if source['auth_mech'].startswith('hmac-') \ and ('signature_key' not in source or not isinstance(source['signature_key'])): yield 'missing signature_key string' def get_sources(self, context): for source in self.config['sources']: slug = '{0}.{1}'.format(self.slug, source['slug']) data = Data(slug, self.config, source, context) yield source['slug'], data if settings.TEMPLATE_DEBUG: yield 'blurp_debug__', '\n'.join(self.debug_content(context)) def debug_content(self, context): try: yield u'config: {0}'.format(pprint.pformat(self.config)) except Exception, e: yield u'config: pformat failed {0!r}'.format(e) for source in self.config.get('sources', []): slug = source.get('slug') if not slug: continue try: yield u'slug {0!r}: {1}'.format(slug, pprint.pformat(context.get(slug))) except Exception, e: yield u'slug {0!r}: pformat failed {1!r}'.format(slug, e) def render(self, context): for slug, source in self.get_sources(context): context[slug] = source return super(Renderer, self).render(context) class Data(object): '''Encapsulate data from a source''' __CACHE_SENTINEL = object() JSON = 'application/json' RSS = 'application/rss+xml' XML = 'text/xml' CSV = 'text/csv' OCTET_STREAM = 'application/octet-stream' MAPPING = { 'json': JSON, 'rss': RSS, 'xml': XML, 'csv': CSV, 'raw': OCTET_STREAM, } def __init__(self, slug, config, source, context): self.slug = slug self.context = context self.request = context.get('request') self.source = source self.limit = source.get('limit', config.get('limit', 0)) self.refresh = source.get('refresh', config.get('refresh', 0)) self.url = source['url'] self.verify = source.get('verify_certificate', True) self.redirects = source.get('allow_redirects', False) self.async = source.get('async', False) self.timeout = source.get('timeout', 10) self.auth_mech = source.get('auth_mech') self.signature_key = source.get('signature_key') self.parser_type = source.get('parser_type', 'raw') self.content_type = source.get('content_type', self.MAPPING[self.parser_type]) self.user_context = source.get('user_context', config.get('user_context', self.auth_mech == 'oauth2')) pre_hash = 'datasource-{self.slug}-{self.url}-{self.limit}-' \ '{self.refresh}-{self.auth_mech}-{self.signature_key}' \ .format(self=self) # If authentication is used if self.user_context: pre_hash += '-%s' % unicode(self.request.user).encode('utf-8') log.debug('key pre hash value %r', pre_hash) self.key = hashlib.md5(pre_hash).hexdigest() = time.time() self.__content = self.__CACHE_SENTINEL def get_oauth2_access_token(self): '''Query django-allauth models to find an access token for this user''' from allauth.socialaccount.models import SocialToken user = self.request.user if user.is_authenticated(): try: token = SocialToken.objects.get( account__provider='authentic2', account__user=user) log.debug('found access token: %r', token) return token.token except SocialToken.DoesNotExist: log.warning('unable to find a social token for user: %r', user) return '' def resolve_http_url(self): try: self.final_url = self.url if self.source.get('auth_mech', '').startswith('hmac'): # remove the hmac- prefix hash_algo = self.auth_mech[:5] self.final_url = signature.sign_url( self.final_url, self.signature_key, algo=hash_algo) log.debug('getting data source from url %r for renderer %s', self.final_url, self.slug) headers = { 'Accept': self.content_type, } if self.auth_mech == 'oauth2': headers['Authorization'] = 'Bearer %s' % self.get_oauth2_access_token() log.debug('with headers %r', headers) request = requests.get( self.final_url, headers=headers, verify=self.verify, allow_redirects=self.redirects, timeout=self.timeout, stream=True) request.raise_for_status() return request.raw, None except HTTPError: error = 'HTTP Error %s when loading URL %s for renderer %r' % ( request.status_code, self.final_url, self.slug) log.warning(error) except Timeout: error = 'HTTP Request timeout(%s s) when loading URL ' \ '%s for renderer %s' % ( self.timeout, self.final_url, self.slug) log.warning(error) except RequestException, e: error = 'HTTP Request failed when loading URL ' \ '%s for renderer %r: %s' % ( self.final_url, self.slug, e) log.warning(error) return None, error def resolve_file_url(self): path = self.url[7:] try: return file(path), None except Exception: error = 'unable to resolve file URL: %r' % self.url log.warning(error) return None, error def update_content(self): try: return self.update_content_real() except: log.exception('exception while updating content') def update_content_real(self): if self.url.startswith('http'): stream, error = self.resolve_http_url() elif self.url.startswith('file:'): stream, error = self.resolve_file_url() else: msg = 'unknown scheme: %r' % self.url log.error(msg) if settings.TEMPLATE_DEBUG: return msg return if stream is None: log.error(error) if settings.TEMPLATE_DEBUG: return error return try: data = getattr(self, 'parse_'+self.parser_type)(stream) except Exception: msg = 'error parsing %s content on %s' % (self.parser_type, self.url) log.exception(msg) if settings.TEMPLATE_DEBUG: return msg return None if self.refresh and data is not None: log.debug('set cache for url %r with key %r', self.url, self.key) cache.set(self.key, (data,, 86400*12) if self.key in self.UPDATE_THREADS: c = self.CONDITIONS.setdefault(self.key, threading.Condition()) with c: self.UPDATE_THREADS.pop(self.key) self.CONDITIONS.pop(self.key) return data UPDATE_THREADS = {} CONDITIONS = {} def get_content(self): if self.__content is not self.__CACHE_SENTINEL: return self.__content self.__content, until = cache.get(self.key, (self.__CACHE_SENTINEL, None)) use_cache = self.__content is not self.__CACHE_SENTINEL if not use_cache: log.debug('found content in cache for url %r', self.url) # do not use cache if refresh timeout is 0 use_cache = use_cache and self.refresh > 0 if self.refresh == 0: log.debug('self refresh is 0, ignoring cache') # do not use cache if updatecache is present in the query string use_cache = use_cache and (not self.request or 'updatecache' not in self.request.GET) if self.request and 'updatecache' in self.request.GET: log.debug('updatecache in query string, ignoring cache') if use_cache: if until < # reload cache content asynchronously in a thread # and return the current content log.debug('asynchronous update for url %r until: %s < now: %s', self.url, until, c = self.CONDITIONS.setdefault(self.key, threading.Condition()) t = threading.Thread(target=self.update_content) t2 = self.UPDATE_THREADS.setdefault(self.key, t) if t2 is t: # yeah we are the first to run with c: t.start() c.notify_all() # notify other updating thread that we started if not self.async: if not t2 is t: with c: while not t2.ident: c.wait() t2.join() else: log.debug('synchronous update for url %r', self.url) self.__content = self.update_content() return self.__content content = property(get_content) def parse_json(self, stream): import json return json.load(stream) def parse_rss(self, stream): result = feedparser.parse( entries = result.entries entries = sorted(result.entries, key=lambda e: e['updated_parsed']) result.entries = entries[:self.limit] return result def parse_raw(self, stream): return def parse_xml(self, stream): return ET.fromstring( def parse_csv(self, stream): import csv params = self.source.get('csv_params', {}) encoding = self.source.get('csv_encoding', 'utf-8') def list_decode(l): return map(lambda s: s.decode(encoding), l) def dict_decode(d): return dict((a, b.decode(encoding)) for a, b in d.iteritems()) if hasattr(stream, 'iter_lines'): stream = stream.iter_lines() if 'fieldnames' in params: reader = csv.DictReader(stream, **params) decoder = dict_decode else: reader = csv.reader(stream, **params) decoder = list_decode return list(decoder(e) for e in reader) def __call__(self): return self.get_content()