{% extends "chrono/manager_event_detail.html" %} {% load static i18n %} {% block breadcrumb %} {{ block.super }} {% trans "Check" %} {% endblock %} {% block appbar_actions %}{% endblock %} {% block content %}

{% blocktrans with booked_places=object.booked_places places=object.places %}Bookings ({{ booked_places }}/{{ places }}){% endblocktrans %}

{{ filterset.form.as_p }}
{% if results and not event.checked %} {% endif %} {% if booked_without_status %} {% if not event.checked or not agenda.disable_check_update %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% for result in results %} {% include "chrono/manager_event_check_booking_fragment.html" with booking=result %} {% endfor %}
{% csrf_token %}
{% trans "Mark all bookings without status:" %}
{% csrf_token %} {% if presence_form.check_type.field.choices.1 %}{{ presence_form.check_type }}{% endif %}
{% csrf_token %} {% if absence_form.check_type.field.choices.1 %}{{ absence_form.check_type }}{% endif %}
{% if object.waiting_list_places %}

{% blocktrans with booked_places=object.booked_waiting_list_places places=object.waiting_list_places %}Waiting List ({{ booked_places }}/{{ places }}){% endblocktrans %}

{% for booking in waiting %} {% endfor %}
{% if agenda.booking_extra_user_block_template %}{% endif %} {{ booking.get_user_block }}{% if booking.places_count > 1 %} ({{ booking.places_count }} {% trans "places" %}){% endif %} {% if booking.cancellation_datetime %}({% trans "Cancelled" %}){% endif %}
{% endif %} {% endblock %}