import pytest from import call_command from django.db import connection pytestmark = pytest.mark.django_db def test_ensure_jsonb_fields(): json_fields = ( 'extra_data', 'booking_errors', ) with connection.cursor() as cursor: query = '''SELECT table_name, column_name, data_type FROM information_schema.columns WHERE column_name IN %(json_fields)s''' cursor.execute(query, {'json_fields': json_fields}) # make sure the data_type is correct for line in cursor.fetchall(): assert line[2] == 'jsonb' # alter columns cursor.execute( '''ALTER TABLE agendas_booking ALTER COLUMN extra_data TYPE text USING extra_data::text''' ) cursor.execute( '''ALTER TABLE agendas_eventcancellationreport ALTER COLUMN booking_errors TYPE text USING booking_errors::text''' ) call_command('ensure_jsonb') with connection.cursor() as cursor: query = '''SELECT table_name, column_name, data_type FROM information_schema.columns WHERE column_name IN %(json_fields)s''' cursor.execute(query, {'json_fields': json_fields}) # check the data_type is correct for line in cursor.fetchall(): assert line[2] == 'jsonb'