"""HAProxy Authenticator. The HAProxy Authenticator is an extension of the "standalone" authenticator that is part of certbot. It limits its functionality to only support the `http-01` challenge because `tls-sni-01` checks the challenge by connecting to port 443. We can't proxy requests to certbot because we can't see the requested uri until the request is decrypted, and we can't do decryption in HAProxy because `tls-sni-01` expects to do a TLS handshake. This authenticator creates its own ephemeral TCP listener on the necessary port in order to respond to incoming `http-01` challenges from the certificate authority. You need to forward port requests for `/.well-known/acme-challenge/` on port 80 to the configured value for `haproxy-http-01-port` (default:8000). This can be achieved by adding this example to your haproxy configuration file:: default_backend nodes acl is_certbot path_beg -i /.well-known/acme-challenge use_backend certbot if is_certbot backend certbot log global mode http server certbot backend nodes log global mode http option tcplog balance roundrobin option forwardfor option http-server-close option httpclose http-request set-header X-Forwarded-Port %[dst_port] http-request add-header X-Forwarded-Proto https if { ssl_fc } option httpchk HEAD / HTTP/1.1\\r\\nHost:localhost server node1 check server node2 check server node3 check server node4 check For instructions on how to make HAProxy serve certificates that were created with this authenticator, read the documentation of the `.certbot_haproxy.installer` """ import logging import zope.component import zope.interface from acme import challenges from certbot import interfaces from certbot.plugins import standalone logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # pylint:disable=invalid-name @zope.interface.implementer(interfaces.IAuthenticator) @zope.interface.provider(interfaces.IPluginFactory) class HAProxyAuthenticator(standalone.Authenticator): """HAProxy Authenticator.""" description = "Certbot standalone authenticator with HAProxy preset." def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(HAProxyAuthenticator, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.config.http01_port = self.conf('haproxy_http_01_port') @classmethod def add_parser_arguments(cls, add): """ This method adds extra CLI arguments to the plugin. The arguments can be retrieved by asking for corresponding names in `self.conf([argument name])` .. note:: This overrides a method defined in the parent, we are deliberately not calling super() because it would add arguments that are not supported. :param func add: The function to be called to add an argument. """ add( "haproxy-http-01-port", help=( "Port to open internally (default=8000), you're expected to" " forward requests to port 80 to it." ), type=int, default=8000 ) @property def supported_challenges(self): """ Challenges supported by this plugin: only http-01 See introduction for reasoning. :returns: List of supported challenges :rtype: list """ return [challenges.HTTP01] @staticmethod def more_info(): """ This info string only appears in the curses UI in the plugin selection sequence. """ return ( "This authenticator creates its own ephemeral TCP listener" " on the configured internal port (default=8000) in order to" " respond to incoming http-01 challenges from the certificate" " authority. In order for this port to be reached, you need to" " configure HAProxy to forward any requests to any domain on the" " http-01 port (default:80), ending in" " `/.well-known/acme-challenge/` to the http-01 port (hint:8000)." )