import os import subprocess import sys from setuptools import setup from setuptools import find_packages from distutils.command.sdist import sdist own_version = '0.1.2' certbot_version = '0.8.1' class eo_sdist(sdist): def run(self): if os.path.exists('VERSION'): os.remove('VERSION') version = get_version() version_file = open('VERSION', 'w') version_file.write(version) version_file.close() if os.path.exists('VERSION'): os.remove('VERSION') def get_version(): if os.path.exists('VERSION'): version_file = open('VERSION', 'r') version = version_file.close() return version if os.path.exists('.git'): p = subprocess.Popen(['git', 'describe', '--dirty', '--match=v*'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) result = p.communicate()[0] if p.returncode == 0: version = result.split()[0][1:] version = version.replace('-', '.') return version return '0' def data_tree(destdir, sourcedir): extensions = ['.css', '.png', '.jpeg', '.jpg', '.gif', '.xml', '.html', '.js'] r = [] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(sourcedir): l = [os.path.join(root, x) for x in files if os.path.splitext(x)[1] in extensions] r.append((root.replace(sourcedir, destdir, 1), l)) return r # Please update tox.ini when modifying dependency version requirements install_requires = [ 'acme>={0}'.format(certbot_version), 'certbot>={0}'.format(certbot_version), # For pkg_resources. >=1.0 so pip resolves it to a version cryptography # will tolerate; see #2599: 'setuptools>=1.0', 'zope.component', 'zope.interface', 'future', ] if sys.version_info < (2, 7): install_requires.append('mock<1.1.0') else: install_requires.append('mock') docs_extras = [ 'Sphinx>=1.0', # autodoc_member_order = 'bysource', autodoc_default_flags 'sphinx_rtd_theme', ] long_description = ( "This is a plugin for Certbot, it enables automatically authenticating " "domains ans retrieving certificates. It can also restart HAProxy after " "new certificates are installed. However, it will not configure HAProxy " "because. HAProxy is unlikely to be used for small/simple setups like what" " Apache or NGiNX are more likely to be used for. HAProxy configurations " "vary greatly, any configuration this plugin could define is most likely " "not applicable in your environment." ) haproxy_authenticator = 'certbot_haproxy.authenticator:HAProxyAuthenticator' haproxy_installer = 'certbot_haproxy.installer:HAProxyInstaller' setup( name='certbot-haproxy', version=get_version(), description="HAProxy plugin for Certbot", long_description=long_description, url='', author="Greenhost BV", author_email='', license='Apache License 2.0', classifiers=[ 'Development Status :: 3 - Alpha', 'Environment :: Plugins', 'Intended Audience :: System Administrators', 'License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License', 'Operating System :: POSIX :: Linux', 'Programming Language :: Python', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.6', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7', 'Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP', 'Topic :: Security', 'Topic :: System :: Installation/Setup', 'Topic :: System :: Networking', 'Topic :: System :: Systems Administration', 'Topic :: Utilities', ], packages=find_packages(), include_package_data=True, data_files=data_tree('share/certbot-haproxy/docs/', 'docs/'), install_requires=install_requires, extras_require={ 'docs': docs_extras, }, entry_points={ 'certbot.plugins': [ 'haproxy-authenticator = %s' % haproxy_authenticator, 'haproxy-installer = %s' % haproxy_installer ], }, # test_suite='certbot_haproxy', cmdclass={ 'sdist': eo_sdist, } )