#!/bin/bash CMDS="vagrant" DEPS="vagrant" VAGRANT_PLUGINS_REQUIRED=("vagrant-hostmanager" "vagrant-vbguest") VERBOSE=0 for arg in "$@"; do if [ "${arg}" = "-v" -o "${arg}" = "--verbose" ]; then VERBOSE=1 echo "Verbose mode enabled" fi done commands_exist () { DEPS_MISSING=0 for cmd in $1; do if ! type "${cmd}" &> /dev/null; then DEPS_MISSING=1 echo "Dependency '${cmd}' is not installed." fi done return $DEPS_MISSING } function_defined() { type "$1" &> /dev/null; } please_install () { if [ -f /etc/redhat-release ] ; then PKMGR=$(which yum) elif [ -f /etc/debian_version ] ; then PKMGR=$(which apt-get) fi echo echo "Before running this script, please run:" echo "${PKMGR} install $1" } log () { if [ $VERBOSE -eq 1 ]; then echo "$1" fi } SUDO=0 do_sudo () { if [ $SUDO -eq 0 ]; then echo "Your hosts file does not contain the required entries, will need" echo "root privileges to set them.." sudo ls &> /dev/null SUDO=1 fi sudo bash -c "$@" } if ! commands_exist "${CMDS}"; then log "Missing one or more dependencies." please_install "${DEPS}" exit 1 fi log "Checking for vagrant plugins.." INSTALLED=$(vagrant plugin list | awk '{print $1;}' | xargs) for PLUGIN in "${VAGRANT_PLUGINS_REQUIRED[@]}"; do if [[ $INSTALLED != *$plugin* ]]; then log "Installing vagrant plugin \"${PLUGIN}\"" vagrant plugin install "${PLUGIN}" fi done if ! grep -Fxq " testsite.nl" /etc/hosts; then do_sudo "echo ' testsite.nl' >> /etc/hosts" fi log "Starting Boulder CA server instance.." if vagrant up boulder; then log "Starting LE HAProxy client vm.." vagrant up lehaproxy else log "ERROR: Couldn't start boulder server!" exit 1 fi echo "You can now connect to the Vagrant instance:" echo "vagrant ssh lehaproxy" echo "After connecting please run:" echo "cd /lehaproxy/; source /lehaproxy_venv/bin/activate" echo "You can now run certbot with the HAProxy plugin installed:" echo "certbot run"