var path = location.pathname.split('/'); var service = path[1]; var app_name = path[2]; var current_date = path[3]; COOKIE_PATH = '/' + service + '/agenda'; function get_initial_fields(button, base) { var participants = new Array(); var ressource = null; if ($.cookie('active-agenda')) { var active_agenda = $.cookie('active-agenda').split('-'); if (active_agenda[0] == 'ressource') { ressource = active_agenda[1]; } else { ressource = $.cookie('last-ressource'); } } if ($.cookie('agenda-tabs')) { participants = $.cookie('agenda-tabs').filter(function(v) { var data = v.split('-'); if(data[0]=='worker') return true; }); participants = { var data = v.split('-'); return data[1] }); } return $.param({participants: $.makeArray(participants), ressource: ressource, time: $(button).data('hour'), duration: $(button).data('duration')}, true); } function enable_new_appointment(base) { var base = base || 'body'; $(base).find('.newrdv').click(function() { add_dialog('#ajax-dlg', $(this).data('url') + "?" + get_initial_fields(this, base), 'Nouveau rendez-vous', '880px', 'Ajouter'); 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} }); }); /* TODO: put this in a generic function */ $('.input_is_billable').click(function() { if ($(this).data("switch-billable") == "True") { var value = "false"; } else { var value = "true"; } $.ajax({ url: '/api/v1/act/' + $(this).data("id") + '/?format=json', type: 'PATCH', contentType: 'application/json', data: '{"switch_billable": ' + value + '}', success: function(data) { } }); }); $('.input_is_lost').click(function() { if ((this.checked) == true) { var value = "true"; } else { var value = "false"; } $.ajax({ url: '/api/v1/act/' + $(this).data("id") + '/?format=json', type: 'PATCH', contentType: 'application/json', data: '{"is_lost": ' + value + '}', success: function(data) { } }); }); enable_new_appointment(base); enable_new_event(base); $(base).find('.appointment').on('click', function() { $('.textedit span', this).html(''); }); $(base).find('.remove-appointment').on('click', function() { var r = delete_prompt("Etes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer le rendez-vous " + $(this).data('rdv') + " ?"); if (r == true) { $.ajax({ url: $(this).data('url'), type: 'DELETE', success: function(data) { window.location.reload(true); return false; } }); } return false; }); $(base).find('.edit-appointment').click(function() { id = $(this).data("event-id"); $.getJSON("/api/v1/eventwithact/" + id + "/?format=json") .done(function () { event_dialog("/" + service + "/agenda/" + current_date + "/update-rdv/" + id, 'Modifier rendez-vous', '850px', 'Modifier'); }) .fail(function() { window.location.reload(true); $('.messages').html("Le rendez-vous n'existe plus"); return false; }); return false; }); $(base).find('.edit-event').click(function() { event_dialog("/" + service + "/agenda/" + current_date + "/update-event/" + $(this).data('event-id') , 'Modifier un événement', '850px', 'Modifier'); return false; }); $('.generate-mail-btn', base).click(function() { var url = '../../dossiers/' + $(this).data('dossier-id') + '/generate?event-id=' + $(this).data('event-id') + '&date=' + $(this).data('date'); $('#ajax-dlg').load(url, function () { $(this).dialog({title: 'Générer un courrier', width: '500px', buttons: [ { text: "Fermer", click: function() { $(this).dialog("close"); } }, { text: "Générer", click: function() { $("#ajax-dlg form").submit(); $(this).dialog("close"); } }]}); $(this).find('.addresses input[type=radio]').change(function() { var address = ''; if ($(this).data('contact-gender')){address += $(this).data('contact-gender') + ' ';} if ($(this).data('contact-first-name')){address += $(this).data('contact-first-name') + ' ';} if ($(this).data('contact-last-name')){address += $(this).data('contact-last-name') + '\n';} if ($(this).data('address-recipient')){address += $(this).data('address-recipient') + '\n';} if ($(this).data('address-number')){address += $(this).data('address-number') + ' ';} if ($(this).data('address-street')){address += $(this).data('address-street') + '\n';} if ($(this).data('address-address-complement')){address += $(this).data('address-address-complement') + '\n';} if ($(this).data('address-zip-code')){address += $(this).data('address-zip-code') + ' ';} if ($(this).data('address-city')){address += $(this).data('address-city') + '\n';} $('#id_address').val(address); $('#id_phone_address').val($(this).attr('data-address-phone')); }); $('.addresses input[type=radio]').first().click(); }); return false; }); } function toggle_ressource(ressource) { var ressource_id = $(ressource).attr('id'); var ressource_target = $(ressource).data('target'); if (!ressource_target) { return; } $(ressource).toggleClass('active'); if (!($.cookie('agenda-tabs'))) { $.cookie('agenda-tabs', new Array(), { path: COOKIE_PATH }); } if ($(ressource).hasClass('active')) { var tabs = $.cookie('agenda-tabs'); if ($.inArray(ressource_id, tabs) == -1) { tabs.push(ressource_id); $.cookie('agenda-tabs', tabs, { path: COOKIE_PATH }); } } else { var agendatabs = $.cookie('agenda-tabs'); if ($('#users').attr('id')) $.cookie('last-ressource', $('#users').attr('id').split('-')[1], { path: COOKIE_PATH }); else { $.cookie('active-agenda', '', {path: COOKIE_PATH}) $.cookie('last-ressource', '', {path: COOKIE_PATH}); } $.each(agendatabs, function (i, value) { if (value == ressource_id) { agendatabs.splice(i, 1); } }); $.cookie('agenda-tabs', agendatabs, { path: COOKIE_PATH }); } $(ressource_target).toggle(); $('#close-all-agendas').toggle($('#users').length != 0); if (! $('#users').length) { $('#agendas #tabs div').hide(); } var tab = $(ressource_target); var tab_list = $(tab).parent().get(0); $(tab).detach().appendTo(tab_list); var url = $("#date-selector").data('url'); var tab_selector = '#' + ressource_id + '.active'; if ($(tab_selector).length) { /* load disponibility column */ $.ajaxSetup({async:false}); $.get(url + 'disponibility/' + ressource_id, function(data) { if ($(tab_selector).hasClass('active')) { var availability_block = $('ul#availability'); availability_block.append($(data)); } } ); $.ajaxSetup({async:true}); } else { // remove hidden ressource availability $('ul#availability li.' + ressource_id).remove(); } return $(ressource_target).find(''); } function event_dialog(url, title, width, btn_text) { function add_periodic_events(base) { init_datepickers(base); $(base).on('click', '.update-periodic-event', function () { $('.ui-icon-closethick').click(); // remove the form from previous hidden layer in order to prevent two // elements with 'id_date' id on the page $(this).parent().remove(); var id = $(this).data('id'); var delete_url = $(this).data('delete-url'); var delete_button = { text: "Supprimer", id: "delete-btn", click: function () { var r = delete_prompt("Etes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer cet évènement récurrent ?"); if (r == true) { $.ajax({ url: delete_url, type: 'DELETE', success: function(data) { window.location.reload(true); return false; } }); } } }; $(base).unbind('click'); generic_ajaxform_dialog('/' + service + '/' + app_name + '/' + current_date + '/update-periodic-event/' + id, 'Modifier un évènement périodique', '#ajax-dlg', '900px', 'Modifier', null, init_datepickers, null, delete_button); }); $(base).on('click', '.update-periodic-rdv', function (event) { $('.ui-icon-closethick').click(); var id = $(this).data('id'); var one_act_already_billed = $(this).data('one_act_already_billed'); var delete_button = null; if (one_act_already_billed == 'False') { var delete_url = $(this).data('delete-url'); var delete_button = { text: "Supprimer", id: "delete-btn", click: function () { var r = delete_prompt("Etes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer ce rendez-vous récurrent ?"); if (r == true) { $.ajax({ url: delete_url, type: 'DELETE', success: function(data) { window.location.reload(true); return false; } }); } } }; } $(base).unbind('click') generic_ajaxform_dialog('/' + service + '/' + app_name + '/' + current_date + '/update-periodic-rdv/' + id, 'Modifier un rendez-vous périodique', '#ajax-dlg', '900px', 'Modifier', null, init_datepickers, null, delete_button); }); } generic_ajaxform_dialog(url, title, '#ajax-dlg', width, btn_text, null, add_periodic_events); } (function($) { $(function() { $('#tabs').tabs({ load: function(event, ui) { var tab = $('id').split('-'); if(tab[0] == 'ressource') $.cookie('last-ressource', tab[1], { path: COOKIE_PATH }); $('#tabs > div > div').accordion({active: false, autoHeight: false, collapsible: true}); enable_events('#tabs'); }, selected: -1, collapsible: true, }); $('button#print-button').click(function() { window.print();}); $('#actes .frame select').on('change', function() { $('#actes .frame').removeClass('changed'); if (window.location.hash) $(window.location.hash).css('box-shadow', 'none'); $(this).closest('.frame').addClass('changed'); }); enable_new_event(); enable_new_appointment(); if ($('#users .item').length) { $('#users .item').on('click', function() { var target = toggle_ressource(this); if ($(target).is(':visible')) { $(target).click(); } if ($('#filtre input').val()) { $('#filtre input').val(''); $('#filtre input').keyup(); $('#filtre input').focus(); } if (! ($('li.agenda:visible').hasClass('ui-state-active'))) { $('li.agenda:visible:last').click(); } }); $('').click(function() { $.cookie('active-agenda', $(this).attr('id'), { path: COOKIE_PATH }); }); if ($.cookie('agenda-tabs')) { $.each($.cookie('agenda-tabs'), function (i, selector) { toggle_ressource($('#' + selector)); }); if ($.cookie('active-agenda')) { var target = $("#" + $.cookie('active-agenda')).data('target'); if (!$('#tabs ' + target).hasClass('ui-state-active')) { $("#tabs " + target + '').click(); } } } } $('a.close-tab').click(function() { var target = '#' + $(this).data('target'); $(target).click(); if ($.cookie('active-agenda') == $(target).attr('id')) { $.cookie('active-agenda', '', { path: COOKIE_PATH }); } }); /* Gestion du filtre sur les utilisateurs */ $('#filtre input').keyup(function() { var filtre = $(this).val(); if ($('#show-everybody').length) { var everybody = $('#show-everybody').is(':checked'); } else { var everybody = true; } if (filtre) { $('#show-everybody').attr('checked', true); $('#users li').each(function() { if ($(this).text().match(new RegExp(filtre, "i"))) { $(this).show(); } else { $(this).hide(); } }); } else { $('#users li').show(); if (! everybody) { $('.item.worker:not(.in_service)').hide(); $('.item.worker:not(.intervenant)').hide(); } } /* hide worker type titles that do not have a single visible person */ $("#users ul:has(*):has(:visible)").parent().prev().show(); $("#users ul:has(*):not(:has(:visible))").parent().prev().hide(); }); $('.date').datepicker({showOn: 'button'}); $('#add-intervenant-btn').click(function() { var text = $(this).prev().val(); $('#intervenants ul').append('
  • ' + text + '
  • '); $(this).prev().val('').focus(); return false; }); $('#show-everybody').change(function() { if (! $(this).is(':checked')) { $('#filtre input').val(''); } $('#filtre input').keyup(); return; }); $('select[name^="act_state"]').on('change', function () { $(this).next('button').prop('disabled', ($(this).data('previous') == $(this).val())); }) $('#filtre input').keyup(); $.each({'persons': 'worker', 'ressources': 'ressource'}, function(key, value) { $('#close-all-agendas').click(function() { $.cookie('active-agenda', '', {path: COOKIE_PATH}); $('#users').each(function (i, v) { toggle_ressource(v, value); }); }); }); }); })(window.jQuery)