# Tox (http://tox.testrun.org/) is a tool for running tests # in multiple virtualenvs. This configuration file will run the # test suite on all supported python versions. To use it, "pip install tox" # and then run "tox" from this directory. [tox] toxworkdir = {env:TMPDIR:/tmp}/tox-{env:USER}/authentic2-cut/{env:BRANCH_NAME:} envlist = py2-dj111-drf34 py3-dj111-drf34 py3-dj22-drf39 [tox:jenkins] envlist = pylint py2-dj111-drf34 py3-dj111-drf34 py3-dj22-drf39 [testenv] setenv = AUTHENTIC2_SETTINGS_FILE=tests/settings.py DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=authentic2.settings JUNIT={tty::-o junit_suite_name={envname} --junit-xml=junit-{envname}.xml} COVERAGE={tty::--junitxml=test_{envname}_results.xml --cov-report xml --cov-report html --cov=src/ --cov-config .coveragerc} passenv= BRANCH_NAME # support for pg_virtualenv PGPORT PGHOST PGUSER PGPASSWORD usedevelop = true deps = http://git.entrouvert.org/authentic.git/snapshot/authentic-master.tar.gz # dependency constraints for authentic py2: django-appconf<1.0.4 py2: django-filter<2 drf34: djangorestframework>=3.4,<3.4.1 drf39: djangorestframework>=3.9.2,<3.10 dj111: django<2.0 dj22: django<2.3 django-tables<2.0 psycopg2-binary oldldap: python-ldap<3 ldaptools # pytest requirements pytest pytest-cov pytest-django pytest-freezegun pytest-random django-webtest pyquery commands = py2: ./getlasso.sh py3: ./getlasso3.sh py.test {env:COVERAGE:} {env:JUNIT:} {tty:--sw:} {posargs:tests/} [testenv:pylint] skip_install = True deps = http://git.entrouvert.org/authentic.git/snapshot/authentic-master.tar.gz Django<2.3 pylint pylint-django commands = /bin/bash -c "./pylint.sh src/*/" [pytest] junit_family=xunit2 filterwarnings = error # there is nothing we can do about that ignore:defusedxml.lxml is no longer supported:DeprecationWarning:openpyxl.xml.functions ignore:Using or importing the ABCs from 'collections':DeprecationWarning:django.* ignore:Using user.is_authenticated\(\) and user.is_anonymous\(\) as a method is deprecated.::rest_framework\.* # remind us later once:.*staticfiles.*::django\..*