To use authentic with SSL authentication your must configure Apache to do so. Here is an example of an Apache virtual host to use SSL client authentication: ServerName authentic.localhost Include /home/bdauvergne/wd/authentic-apache2.conf ServerName authentic.localhost LogLevel debug Include /home/bdauvergne/wd/authentic-apache2.conf SSLEngine on SSLCertificateFile /etc/apache2/certificates/localhost-wildcard.pem SSLVerifyClient none SSLVerifyClient optional_no_ca SSLOptions +StdEnvVars +ExportCertData SSLVerifyClient optional_no_ca SSLOptions +StdEnvVars +ExportCertData As you can see we do not force SSL client verification on the full site, so as to permit other kind of authentications without spurious dialog asking you for a certificate. We could use «SSLVerifyClient optional» on the full site but it would ask even user logging in with a password for a certificate (they can still select the cancel button, bit it stil waste their time). The other problem with «optional» and «require» value for SSLVerifyClient is that they do not work with certificate coming from an unknown CA or self-signed. These kind of certificate are still a strong authentication for any user, stronger than a shared secret sent in the clear. A current problem is that authentic do not generate a new cookie when authenticating with ssl and do not set it with the 'secure' flag that would prevent the navigator to release upon a not secured plain HTTP connection. Another problem is that we do not use the SSL session_id as a persistent cookie instead of a simple HTTP cookie, so an attacker can still do a MITM attack after the authentication. If the user is stupid enough to accet an hijacked SSL session and a clik throught the warning of the navigator, then the attacker can steal the HTTP secure cookie.