import os import shutil import StringIO import time try: import lasso except ImportError: lasso = None import pytest from quixote import cleanup, get_publisher from wcs.qommon import errors, sessions from wcs.qommon.ident.password_accounts import PasswordAccount from wcs.qommon.http_request import HTTPRequest from wcs.qommon.template import get_current_theme from wcs.categories import Category from wcs.roles import Role from wcs.workflows import Workflow from wcs.formdef import FormDef from wcs import fields from utilities import get_app, login, create_temporary_pub def setup_module(module): cleanup() global pub pub = create_temporary_pub() req = HTTPRequest(None, {'SCRIPT_NAME': '/', 'SERVER_NAME': ''}) pub.set_app_dir(req) pub.cfg['identification'] = {'methods': ['password']} pub.write_cfg() def create_superuser(): global user1 if pub.user_class.has_key('admin'): user1 = pub.user_class.get('admin') user1.is_admin = True user1.roles = [] return user1 = pub.user_class(name='admin') = 'admin' user1.is_admin = True user1.roles = [] account1 = PasswordAccount(id='admin') account1.set_password('admin') account1.user_id = pub.cfg['identification'] = {'methods': ['password']} pub.write_cfg() def create_role(): Role.wipe() role = Role(name='foobar') return role def teardown_module(module): shutil.rmtree(pub.APP_DIR) @pytest.fixture def empty_siteoptions(): open(os.path.join(pub.app_dir, 'site-options.cfg'), 'w').close() def test_with_superuser(): create_superuser() app = login(get_app(pub)) resp = app.get('/backoffice/') # this makes sure the extension loaded properly assert 'Publik' in resp.body def test_general_admin_permissions(): create_superuser() app = login(get_app(pub)) resp = app.get('/backoffice/settings/', status=200) pub.cfg['admin-permissions'] = {'settings': ['XXX']} pub.write_cfg() resp = app.get('/backoffice/settings/', status=403) user1.roles = ['XXX'] resp = app.get('/backoffice/settings/', status=200) del pub.cfg['admin-permissions'] pub.write_cfg() def test_aq_permissions_panel(empty_siteoptions): create_superuser() app = login(get_app(pub)) resp = app.get('/backoffice/settings/') assert not 'aq/permissions' in resp.body with open(os.path.join(pub.app_dir, 'site-options.cfg'), 'w') as fd: if not pub.site_options.has_section('options'): pub.site_options.add_section('options') pub.site_options.set('options', 'auquotidien-links', 'true') pub.site_options.write(fd) resp = app.get('/backoffice/settings/') assert 'aq/permissions' in resp.body resp = app.get('/backoffice/settings/aq/permissions') def test_menu_items(empty_siteoptions): create_superuser() role = create_role() with open(os.path.join(pub.app_dir, 'site-options.cfg'), 'w') as fd: if not pub.site_options.has_section('options'): pub.site_options.add_section('options') pub.site_options.set('options', 'auquotidien-links', 'true') pub.site_options.write(fd) for area in ('links', 'announces', 'events', 'links', 'payments'): with open(os.path.join(pub.app_dir, 'site-options.cfg'), 'w') as fd: if not pub.site_options.has_section('options'): pub.site_options.add_section('options') pub.site_options.set('options', 'auquotidien-%s' % area, 'true') pub.site_options.write(fd) pub.cfg['aq-permissions'] = {area: None} pub.write_cfg() user1.is_admin = True user1.roles = [] app = login(get_app(pub)) resp = app.get('/backoffice/') assert not '/%s/' % area in resp.body resp = app.get('/backoffice/%s/' % area, status=403) pub.cfg['aq-permissions'] = {area: 'XXX'} pub.write_cfg() resp = app.get('/backoffice/') assert '/%s/' % area in resp.body resp = app.get('/backoffice/%s/' % area, status=200) user1.is_admin = False user1.roles = [] resp = app.get('/backoffice/') assert not '/%s/' % area in resp.body resp = app.get('/backoffice/%s/' % area, status=403) user1.is_admin = False user1.roles = [, 'XXX'] resp = app.get('/backoffice/') assert '/%s/' % area in resp.body resp = app.get('/backoffice/%s/' % area, status=200)