######################### ## Sample Sass Lint File ######################### # Linter Options options: # Don't merge default rules merge-default-rules: false # Set the formatter to 'html' formatter: html # Output file instead of logging results output-file: 'linters/sass-lint.html' # Raise an error if more than 50 warnings are generated max-warnings: 50 # File Options files: include: 'static/**/*.s+(a|c)ss' ignore: - 'sass/vendor/**/*.*' # Rule Configuration rules: extends-before-mixins: 2 extends-before-declarations: 2 placeholder-in-extend: 2 mixins-before-declarations: - 2 - exclude: - breakpoint - mq no-warn: 1 no-debug: 1 no-ids: 1 no-important: 2 hex-notation: - 2 - style: uppercase indentation: - 2 - size: 'tab' property-sort-order: - 1 - order: - display - margin ignore-custom-properties: true variable-for-property: - 2 - properties: - margin - content