#! /usr/bin/env python import glob import re import sys import os from setuptools import setup, find_packages from setuptools.command.install_lib import install_lib as _install_lib from distutils.command.build import build as _build from distutils.command.sdist import sdist from distutils.cmd import Command class compile_translations(Command): description = 'compile message catalogs to MO files via django compilemessages' user_options = [] def initialize_options(self): pass def finalize_options(self): pass def run(self): try: from django.core.management.commands.compilemessages import \ compile_messages for path in []: if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, 'locale')): continue curdir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(os.path.realpath(path)) compile_messages(stderr=sys.stderr) os.chdir(curdir) except ImportError: print sys.stderr.write('!!! Please install Django >= 1.4 to build translations') print print class build(_build): sub_commands = [('compile_translations', None)] + _build.sub_commands class eo_sdist(sdist): def run(self): print "creating VERSION file" if os.path.exists('VERSION'): os.remove('VERSION') version = get_version() version_file = open('VERSION', 'w') version_file.write(version) version_file.close() sdist.run(self) print "removing VERSION file" if os.path.exists('VERSION'): os.remove('VERSION') class install_lib(_install_lib): def run(self): self.run_command('compile_translations') _install_lib.run(self) def get_version(): version = None if os.path.exists('VERSION'): version_file = open('VERSION', 'r') version = version_file.read() version_file.close() return version for d in glob.glob('*'): if not os.path.isdir(d): continue module_file = os.path.join(d, '__init__.py') if not os.path.exists(module_file): continue for v in re.findall("""__version__ *= *['"](.*)['"]""", open(module_file).read()): assert version is None version = v if version: break assert version is not None if os.path.exists('.git'): import subprocess p = subprocess.Popen(['git','describe','--dirty','--match=v*'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) result = p.communicate()[0] assert p.returncode == 0, 'git returned non-zero' new_version = result.split()[0][1:] assert not new_version.endswith('-dirty'), 'git workdir is not clean' assert new_version.split('-')[0] == version, '__version__ must match the last git annotated tag' version = new_version.replace('-', '.') return version setup(name="amue-authentic2", version=get_version(), license="AGPLv3 or later", description="AMUE Authentic2", author="Entr'ouvert", author_email="info@entrouvert.org", maintainer="Benjamin Dauvergne", maintainer_email="info@entrouvert.com", include_package_data=True, url='http://dev.entrouvert.org/projects/amue', package_data={ '': [ 'templates/**.html', 'templates/**.txt', 'static/**.png', 'static/**.gif', 'static/**.css', 'static/**.js', 'locale/**.mo', 'fixtures/*.json', ] }, packages=find_packages(), scripts=(), install_requires=[ ], dependency_links = [ ], cmdclass={'build': build, 'install_lib': install_lib, 'compile_translations': compile_translations, 'sdist': eo_sdist}, )