misc: make login_hint works without next parameter (#38163)

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Benjamin Dauvergne 2019-12-03 17:26:53 +01:00
parent 9c26934e0e
commit 09c32c83d5
2 changed files with 10 additions and 3 deletions

View File

@ -446,7 +446,7 @@ class LoginView(ProfileMixin, LogMixin, View):
</samlp:Extensions>''' % eo_next_url)
self.add_login_hints(idp, authn_request, request=request, next_url=next_url)
self.add_login_hints(idp, authn_request, request=request, next_url=next_url or '/')
except lasso.Error as e:
return HttpResponseBadRequest('error initializing the authentication request: %r' % e)
@ -469,14 +469,14 @@ class LoginView(ProfileMixin, LogMixin, View):
def is_in_backoffice(self, request, next_url):
path = utils.get_local_path(request, next_url)
return path.startswith(('/admin/', '/manage/', '/manager/'))
return path and path.startswith(('/admin/', '/manage/', '/manager/'))
def add_login_hints(self, idp, authn_request, request, next_url=None):
login_hints = utils.get_setting(idp, 'LOGIN_HINTS', [])
hints = []
for login_hint in login_hints:
if login_hint == 'backoffice':
if self.is_in_backoffice(request, next_url):
if next_url and self.is_in_backoffice(request, next_url):
if login_hint == 'always_backoffice':

View File

@ -382,6 +382,13 @@ def test_sso_slo_pass_login_hints_always_backoffice(db, app, idp, caplog, sp_set
def test_sso_slo_pass_login_hints_backoffice(db, app, idp, caplog, sp_settings):
sp_settings.MELLON_LOGIN_HINTS = ['backoffice']
response = app.get(reverse('mellon_login'))
url, body, relay_state = idp.process_authn_request_redirect(response['Location'])
root = ET.fromstring(idp.request)
login_hints = root.findall('.//{https://www.entrouvert.com/}login-hint')
assert len(login_hints) == 0
response = app.get(reverse('mellon_login') + '?next=/whatever/')
url, body, relay_state = idp.process_authn_request_redirect(response['Location'])
root = ET.fromstring(idp.request)