Fix issue where db timings were not being patch properly for django 1.6 and DEBUG=False

This commit is contained in:
jawn_b 2014-04-26 16:43:24 -04:00
parent ac53899fcb
commit 257561cf43
1 changed files with 28 additions and 16 deletions

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@ -1,14 +1,18 @@
import django
from django.db.backends import util
from django_statsd.clients import statsd
from django_statsd.patches.utils import wrap
def key(db, attr):
return 'db.%s.%s.%s' % (db.client.executable_name, db.alias, attr)
def __getattr__(self, attr):
The CursorWrapper is a pretty small wrapper around the cursor.
If you are NOT in debug mode, this is the wrapper that's used.
Sadly if it's in debug mode, we get a different wrapper.
if django.VERSION < (1, 6) and self.db.is_managed():
# In Django 1.6 you can't put a connection in managed mode
@ -20,19 +24,27 @@ def __getattr__(self, attr):
return getattr(self.cursor, attr)
def wrap_class(base):
def wrap_class(base, super_class=None):
"""Returns a sub-class of the argument 'base'
The sub class has its execute and executemany methods will record query timings.
If the execute and executemany methods you're overriding makes super()
calls, the argument super_class can be provided to not break things.
class Wrapper(base):
def execute(self, *args, **kw):
return wrap(super(Wrapper, self).execute,
key(self.db, 'execute'))(*args, **kw)
def executemany(self, *args, **kw):
return wrap(super(Wrapper, self).executemany,
key(self.db, 'executemany'))(*args, **kw)
def execute(self, *args, **kwargs):
with statsd.timer(key(self.db, 'execute')):
return super(super_class, self).execute(*args, **kwargs)
def executemany(self, *args, **kwargs):
with statsd.timer(key(self.db, 'executemany')):
return super(super_class, self).execute(*args, **kwargs)
super_class = super_class or Wrapper
return Wrapper
def patch():
The CursorWrapper is a pretty small wrapper around the cursor.
@ -40,10 +52,10 @@ def patch():
Sadly if it's in debug mode, we get a different wrapper for version earlier than 1.6.
# So that it will work when DEBUG = True.
if django.VERSION < (1, 6):
util.CursorDebugWrapper = wrap_class(util.CursorDebugWrapper)
if django.VERSION > (1, 6):
util.CursorDebugWrapper = wrap_class(util.CursorDebugWrapper,
util.CursorWrapper = wrap_class(util.CursorWrapper)
util.CursorDebugWrapper.__getattr__ = __getattr__
# So that it will work when DEBUG = False.
util.CursorWrapper.__getattr__ = __getattr__
util.CursorDebugWrapper = wrap_class(util.CursorDebugWrapper)
util.CursorWrapper.__getattr__ = __getattr__