tests: add test on cancelation invoice (#36633)

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Nicolas Roche 2022-01-31 18:33:31 +01:00
parent fcff6fc6b5
commit a0b3a7ffe9
1 changed files with 144 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
# barbacompta - invoicing for dummies
# Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Entr'ouvert
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import io
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import facturx
from eo_gestion.eo_facture.models import Facture
def test_facture_avoir(app):
response = app.get("/eo_facture/facture/").follow()
response.form.set("username", "admin")
response.form.set("password", "admin")
homepage = response.form.submit().follow()
factures_page = homepage.click("Factures")
facture_0137_page = factures_page.click('F20190137')
assert 'F20190137' in facture_0137_page.html.find('div', {'class': 'breadcrumbs'}).text
assert facture_0137_page.html.find('input', {'id': 'id_intitule'})['value'] == '95e0eb4429394cd2'
assert len([x for x in Facture.objects.all() if x.code() == 'F20190137']) == 1
facture = [x for x in Facture.objects.all() if x.code() == 'F20190137'][0]
assert facture.factures_avoir.count() == 0
assert 'Annuler' in [li.a.text for li in facture_0137_page.html.find_all('li')]
facture_avoir_page = facture_0137_page.click("Annuler")
facture_avoir_page = facture_avoir_page.follow()
assert (
'Facture proforma du 2019-10-09' in facture_avoir_page.html.find('div', {'class': 'breadcrumbs'}).text
assert (
facture_avoir_page.html.find('input', {'id': 'id_intitule'})['value']
== 'AVOIR POUR LA FACTURE 95e0eb4429394cd2'
assert 'Annuler' not in [li.a.text for li in facture_avoir_page.html.find_all('li')]
assert facture.factures_avoir.count() == 1
facture_avoir = facture.factures_avoir.first()
assert facture_avoir.code() == 'Facture proforma du 2019-10-09'
assert facture_avoir.annulation == facture
assert facture_avoir.proforma is True
assert facture.intitule == '95e0eb4429394cd2'
assert facture_avoir.intitule == 'AVOIR POUR LA FACTURE 95e0eb4429394cd2'
assert str(facture.lignes.first()) == '503aa5f7b148f6a106eda9274d5130c1 pour 800.85 €'
assert str(facture_avoir.lignes.first()) == '503aa5f7b148f6a106eda9274d5130c1 pour -800.85 €'
facture_avoir_page.form.fields['proforma'][0].checked = False
facture_avoir_page = facture_avoir_page.form.submit('_continue')
facture_avoir_page = facture_avoir_page.follow()
assert 'F20190237' in facture_avoir_page.html.find('div', {'class': 'breadcrumbs'}).text
assert (
facture_avoir_page.html.find('input', {'id': 'id_intitule'})['value']
== 'AVOIR POUR LA FACTURE 95e0eb4429394cd2'
facture_avoir = Facture.objects.get(id=facture_avoir.id) # object was updated
assert facture_avoir.code() == 'F20190237'
assert 'Imprimer' in [li.a.text for li in facture_avoir_page.html.find_all('li')]
factur_x_page = app.get("/eo_facture/facture/%s/view_pdf/F20190137.pdf?facturx" % facture_avoir.id)
factur_x_pdf = factur_x_page.body
_, factur_x_xml = facturx.get_facturx_xml_from_pdf(io.BytesIO(factur_x_pdf))
root = ET.fromstring(factur_x_xml)
def helper(root):
tag = root.tag.split('}')[-1]
if len(root) == 0:
return [tag, root.text or '']
return [tag] + [helper(node) for node in root]
# factur-x facture avoir
assert helper(root) == [
['BusinessProcessSpecifiedDocumentContextParameter', ['ID', 'A1']],
['GuidelineSpecifiedDocumentContextParameter', ['ID', 'urn:factur-x.eu:1p0:basicwl']],
['ID', 'F20190237'],
['TypeCode', '381'],
['IssueDateTime', ['DateTimeString', '20190101']],
['Name', "Entr'ouvert"],
['SpecifiedLegalOrganization', ['ID', '44317013900036']],
['PostalTradeAddress', ['CountryID', 'FR']],
['SpecifiedTaxRegistration', ['ID', 'FR09491081899']],
['Name', 'c3f42bb0d75d379'],
['ID', ''],
['ApplicableHeaderTradeDelivery', ''],
['InvoiceCurrencyCode', 'EUR'],
['SpecifiedTradeSettlementPaymentMeans', ['TypeCode', '97']],
['CalculatedAmount', '-160.17'],
['TypeCode', 'VAT'],
['BasisAmount', '-800.85'],
['CategoryCode', 'S'],
['RateApplicablePercent', '20.00'],
['LineTotalAmount', '-800.85'],
['TaxBasisTotalAmount', '-800.85'],
['TaxTotalAmount', '-160.17'],
['GrandTotalAmount', '-961.02'],
['DuePayableAmount', '-961.02'],
['InvoiceReferencedDocument', ['IssuerAssignedID', 'F20190137']],