[doc] Update installation part of the documentation.

The documentation should be clearer about the installation of
    Authentic 2, taking in account that the setup script now
    manages dependencies.

    The documentation also contains a new part about the deployments in
    production and the use of collectstatic.
This commit is contained in:
Mikaël Ates 2012-05-11 17:32:14 +02:00
parent b31952b151
commit 5446cc9071
6 changed files with 310 additions and 85 deletions

doc/change_db.rst Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
.. _change_db:
Specifying a different database
This is done by modifying the DATABASES dictionary in your local_settings.py
file (create it in Authentic project directory); for example::
DATABASES['default'] = {
'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql',
'NAME': 'authentic',
'USER': 'admindb',
'PASSWORD': 'foobar',
'HOST': 'db.example.com',
'PORT': '', # empty string means default value
You should refer to the Django documentation on databases settings at
http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/settings/#databases for all
the details.

View File

@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
.. _download:
1. Obtain the last archive on Pypi:
2. Obtain the last stable source on the Git repository:
git clone http://repos.entrouvert.org/authentic.git

View File

@ -33,10 +33,14 @@ Documentation content

View File

@ -4,124 +4,258 @@
Authentic 2 installation script handles all the dependencies, except Lasso,
relying on the Setuptools and the pypi repository.
You must install the following packages to use Authentic
To run Authentic 2 you need to install Lasso >=2.3.6. You can obtain Lasso
- Python Lasso binding 2.3.6:
- From sources: http://lasso.entrouvert.org/download
- Debian based distribution: http://deb.entrouvert.org/
From sources: http://lasso.entrouvert.org/download
Debian based distribution: http://deb.entrouvert.org/
The other Authentic 2 dependencies are:
- Django 1.4:
- django >= 1.3
- django-profiles >= 0.2
- south >= 0.7.3
- django-authopenid >= 0.9.6
- django-debug-toolbar >= 0.9.0
From sources: http://www.djangoproject.com/download/1.4/tarball/
Their management depends on how you install Authentic 2:
- Django-authopenid 0.9.6:
- You can :ref:`install-pypi-ref`
- You can :ref:`obtain-pypi-ref`
- You can :ref:`obtain-git-ref`
From sources: http://bitbucket.org/benoitc/django-authopenid/downloads
Lasso installation mock-up
- Django-south 0.7.3:
Please see the Lasso website for installation details. This is a quick
installation example.
From sources:: http://south.aeracode.org/docs/installation.html
Install the following Lasso dependencies:
- Django-profiles 0.2:
- autoconf
- automake
- autotools-dev
- libtool
- gtk-doc-tools
- zlib1g-dev
- libglib2.0-dev
- openssl-dev
- libxml2-dev
- libxmlsec1-dev
- python2.6-dev
- python-setuptools
From sources:: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/django-profiles
Obtain Lasso::
You install all the django libraries quickly using pip::
$wget https://dev.entrouvert.org/lasso/lasso-2.3.6.tar.gz
$tar xzvf lasso-2.3.6.tar.gz
$cd lasso-2.3.6
pip install django django-profiles django-authopenid south
Be sure that the Python bindings is selected as follows::
or easy_install::
easy_install django django-profiles django-authopenid south
**Dependencies in DEBUG mode (Default mode)**
Compiler: gcc
Install prefix: /usr/local
Debugging: no
Experimental ID-WSF: no
- Django Debug Toolbar:
Optionals builds
From sources:: https://github.com/django-debug-toolbar/django-debug-toolbar
Available languages: java(4.6.1) python(2.7) perl(5.12.4)
Java binding: yes
Perl binding: yes
PHP 5 binding: no
Python binding: yes
C API references: yes
Tests suite: no
Now type 'make install' to install lasso.
As indicated, build and install::
$make install
Set the lasso python binding in you python path, e.g.::
$export PYTHONPATH="$PYTHONPATH:/usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages"
Test trying to import Lasso::
>>> import lasso
.. _install-pypi-ref:
Install Authentic directly from pypi
Using pip::
pip install django-debug-toolbar
pip install authentic2
or easy_install::
easy_install django-debug-toolbar
easy_install authentic2
Quick Start
You can now run Authentic from the installation directory, e.g.::
Then launch the following commands::
python manage.py syncdb --migrate
python manage.py collectstatic # Not necessary in DEBUG mode
python manage.py runserver
python /usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/authentic2-x.y.z-py2.6.egg/authentic2/manage.py syncdb --migrate
python /usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/authentic2-x.y.z-py2.6.egg/authentic2/manage.py runserver
You should see the following output::
Validating models...
0 errors found
Django version 1.2, using settings 'authentic.settings'
Django version 1.4, using settings 'authentic.settings'
Development server is running at
Quit the server with CONTROL-C.
You can access the running application on
.. _obtain-pypi-ref:
Specifying a different database
Obtain the last package archive from pypi
This is done by modifying the DATABASES dictionary in your local_settings.py
file (create it in Authentic project directory); for example::
Download the archive on http://pypi.python.org/pypi/authentic2/.
DATABASES['default'] = {
'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql',
'NAME': 'authentic',
'USER': 'admindb',
'PASSWORD': 'foobar',
'HOST': 'db.example.com',
'PORT': '', # empty string means default value
Then, you can install it directly from the archive using pip::
You should refer to the Django documentation on databases settings at
http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/settings/#databases for all
the details.
pip install authentic2-x.z.y.tar.gz
How to upgrade to a new version of authentic ?
or easy_install::
Authentic stores all its data in a relational database as specified in its
settings.py or local_settings.py file. So in order to upgrade to a new version
of authentic you have to update your database schema using the
migration command — you will need to have installed the dependency
django-south, see the beginning of this README file.::
easy_install authentic2-x.z.y.tar.gz
python ./manage.py migrate
You can now run Authentic from the installation directory, e.g.::
Then you will need to create new tables if there are.::
python /usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/authentic2-x.y.z-py2.6.egg/authentic2/manage.py syncdb --migrate
python /usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/authentic2-x.y.z-py2.6.egg/authentic2/manage.py runserver
python ./manage.py syncdb
You should see the following output::
DEBUG Mode by default, static files and the Django debug toolbar dependency ?
Validating models...
0 errors found
By default, Authentic 2 is in the DEBUG mode. As a matter of fact, static
files are only served by the Django development server when the project is
run in the DEBUG mode.
Django version 1.4, using settings 'authentic.settings'
Development server is running at
Quit the server with CONTROL-C.
Then, we made this temporary choice (DEBUG mode by default) because most
of the users will begin with Authentic 2 using the Django development server
and we want to avoid that people have a bad first impression because static
files would not be served.
You can access the running application on
In production, the Django development server should not be used and a
dedicated server should be used to serve the static files.
You may not want to install the authentic2 package or you may want to manage the dependencies
In the DEBUG mode, the Django Debug Toolbar is used. Then, by default,
Authentic 2 is also dependant of this module. Find more information on
Then, extract the archive::
tar xzvf authentic2-x.z.y.tar.gz
cd authentic2-x.z.y
You can now install the dependencies by hands or use pypi to install them as
follows, either::
pip install django django-profiles south django-authopenid django-debug-toolbar
or using the dependencies version requirements::
python setup.py egg_info
pip install -r authentic2.egg-info/requires.txt
Then run Authentic from the extracted directory::
python authentic2/manage.py syncdb --migrate
python authentic2/manage.py runserver
You should see the following output::
Validating models...
0 errors found
Django version 1.4, using settings 'authentic.settings'
Development server is running at
Quit the server with CONTROL-C.
You can access the running application on
.. _obtain-git-ref:
Obtain the last sources from the Git repository
Clone the repository::
git clone http://repos.entrouvert.org/authentic.git
Then, you can install it directly using pip::
pip install ./authentic
or easy_install::
easy_install ./authentic
You can now run Authentic from the installation directory, e.g.::
python /usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/authentic2-x.y.z-py2.6.egg/authentic2/manage.py syncdb --migrate
python /usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/authentic2-x.y.z-py2.6.egg/authentic2/manage.py runserver
You should see the following output::
Validating models...
0 errors found
Django version 1.4, using settings 'authentic.settings'
Development server is running at
Quit the server with CONTROL-C.
You can access the running application on
You may not want to install the authentic2 package or you may want to manage the dependencies
Then, extract the archive::
cd authentic
You can now install the dependencies by hands or use pypi to install them as
follows, either::
pip install django django-profiles south django-authopenid django-debug-toolbar
or using the dependencies version requirements::
python setup.py egg_info
pip install -r authentic2.egg-info/requires.txt
Then run Authentic::
python authentic2/manage.py syncdb --migrate
python authentic2/manage.py runserver
You should see the following output::
Validating models...
0 errors found
Django version 1.4, using settings 'authentic.settings'
Development server is running at
Quit the server with CONTROL-C.
You can access the running application on

doc/production.rst Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
.. _production:
Deploy Authentic 2 in production
DEBUG Mode by default, static files and the Django debug toolbar dependency ?
By default, Authentic 2 is in the DEBUG mode. We made this default choice
because most of the Authentic 2's users will begin with Authentic 2 using
the Django development server (runserver command) and we want to avoid them
a bad first impression because static files would not be served. As a matter
of fact, static files are served by the Django development server only when
the project is run in the DEBUG mode.
In the DEBUG mode, the Django debug toolbar is used what adds a dependency.
In production, the Django development server should not be used to serve
Authentic 2 and a dedicated server should also be used to serve the static
Set Authentic into the no DEBUG Mode
It is enough to edit authentic2/settings.py and set::
DEBUG = False
From then on the django-debug-toolbar package is not necessary anymore.
Use dedicated HTTP servers and serve static files
The best is to use a server dedicated to serve the Django applications and a
different server to serve the static files.
You could for instance use apache with mod_wsgi to serve Authentic 2. You will
find configuration file examples in the debian directory of the Authentic 2
Then you may want to use nginx to serve the static files.
First you need to collect the Authentic 2 static files. The static files are
collected using the collectstatic command that is configured in the
By default, running collectstatic will create a static directory in the parent
directory of the authentic2 directory::
$python authentic2/manage.py collectstatic
That static directory will contain all the static files of Authentic 2.
If you want to change the path of the static directory you can edit
STATIC_ROOT of the settings file.
See https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/contrib/staticfiles/ for more
information about collectstatic.

doc/upgrading.rst Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
.. _upgrading:
How to upgrade to a new version of authentic ?
Authentic stores all its data in a relational database as specified in its
settings.py or local_settings.py file. So in order to upgrade to a new version
of authentic you have to update your database schema using the
migration command — you will need to have installed the dependency
django-south, see the beginning of this README file.::
python ./manage.py migrate
Then you will need to create new tables if there are.::
python ./manage.py syncdb